Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (2024)

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Applies to

  • Exchange Online Protection
  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2
  • Microsoft 365 Defender

In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, quarantine holds potentially dangerous or unwanted messages. For more information, see Quarantine in EOP.

As an ordinary user (not an admin), the default capabilities that are available to you as a recipient of a quarantined message are described in the following table:

Quarantine reasonViewReleaseDelete
Anti-spam policies
BulkFind and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (1)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (2)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (3)
SpamFind and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (4)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (5)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (6)
High confidence spamFind and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (7)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (8)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (9)
PhishingFind and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (10)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (11)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (12)
High confidence phishing
Anti-phishing policies
Spoof intelligence protection in EOPFind and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (13)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (14)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (15)
Impersonated user protection in Defender for Office 365Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (16)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (17)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (18)
Impersonated domain protection in Defender for Office 365Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (19)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (20)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (21)
Mailbox intelligence protection in Defender for Office 365Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (22)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (23)Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (24)
Anti-malware policies
Email messages with attachments that are quarantined as malware.
Safe Attachments in Defender for Office 365
Safe Attachments policies that quarantine email messages with malicious attachments as malware.
Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams that quarantines malicious files as malware.
Mail flow rules (transport rules)
Mail flow rules that quarantine email messages.

Quarantine policies define what users are allowed to do to quarantined messages based on why the message was quarantined in supported features. Default quarantine policies enforce the historical capabilities as described in the previous table. Admins can create and apply custom quarantine policies that define less restrictive or more restrictive capabilities for users in supported features. For more information, see Quarantine policies.

You view and manage your quarantined messages in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or (if an admin has set this up) quarantine notifications from quarantine policies.

What do you need to know before you begin?

  • To open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to To go directly to the Quarantine page, use

  • Admins can configure how long messages are kept in quarantine before they're permanently deleted in anti-spam policies. Messages that have expired from quarantine are unrecoverable. For more information, see Configure anti-spam policies in EOP.

  • By default, messages that were quarantined for high confidence phishing, malware, or by mail flow rules are only available to admins, and aren't visible to users. For more information, see Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin in EOP.

View your quarantined messages


Your ability to view quarantined messages is controlled by the quarantine policy that applies to the quarantined message type (which might be the default quarantine policy for the quarantine reason).

  1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at, go to Email & collaboration > Review > Quarantine. To go directly to the Quarantine page, use

  2. On the Quarantine page, you can sort the results by clicking on an available column header. Click Customize columns to change the columns that are shown. The default values are marked with an asterisk (*):

    • Time received*
    • Subject*
    • Sender*
    • Quarantine reason*
    • Release status*
    • Policy type*
    • Expires*
    • Recipient
    • Message ID
    • Policy name
    • Message size
    • Mail direction

    When you're finished, click Apply.

  3. To filter the results, click Filter. The following filters are available in the Filters flyout that appears:

    • Message ID: The globally unique identifier of the message.
    • Sender address
    • Recipient address
    • Subject
    • Time received: Enter a Start time and End time (date).
    • Expires: Filter messages by when they will expire from quarantine:
      • Today
      • Next 2 days
      • Next 7 days
      • Custom: Enter a Start time and End time (date).
    • Quarantine reason:
      • Bulk
      • Spam
      • Phishing: The spam filter verdict was Phishing or anti-phishing protection quarantined the message (spoof settings or impersonation protection).
      • High confidence phishing
    • Release status: Any of the following values:
      • Needs review
      • Approved
      • Denied
      • Release requested
      • Released
    • Policy Type: Filter messages by policy type:
      • Anti-malware policy
      • Safe Attachments policy
      • Anti-phishing policy
      • Anti-spam policy

    When you're finished, click Apply. To clear the filters, click Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (25) Clear filters.

  4. Use Search box and a corresponding value to find specific messages. Wildcards aren't supported. You can search by the following values:

    • Message ID
    • Sender email address
    • Recipient email address
    • Subject. Use the entire subject of the message. The search is not case-sensitive.
    • Policy name. Use the entire policy name. The search is not case-sensitive.

    After you've entered the search criteria, press ENTER to filter the results.


    The Search box on the main Quarantine page will search only quarantined items in the current view, not the entire quarantine. To search all quarantined items, use Filter and the resulting Filters flyout.

After you find a specific quarantined message, select the message to view details about it, and to take action on it (for example, view, release, download, or delete the message).

View quarantined message details

When you select quarantined message from the list, the following information is available in the details flyout that appears.

When you select an email message in the list, the following message details appear in the Details flyout pane:

  • Message ID: The globally unique identifier for the message.
  • Sender address
  • Received: The date/time when the message was received.
  • Subject
  • Quarantine reason
  • Policy type: The type of policy. For example, Anti-spam policy.
  • Recipient count
  • Recipients: If the message contains multiple recipients, you need to click Preview message or View message header to see the complete list of recipients.
  • Expires: The date/time when the message will be automatically and permanently deleted from quarantine.

To take action on the message, see the next section.


To remain in the details flyout, but change the quarantined message that you're looking at, use the up and down arrows at the top of the flyout.

Take action on quarantined email


Your ability to take action on quarantined messages is controlled by the quarantine policy that applies to the quarantined message type (which might be the default quarantine policy for the quarantine reason). This section describes all available actions.

After you select a quarantined message from the list, the following actions are available in the details flyout:

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (29) Release email*: Delivers the message to your Inbox.

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (30) View message headers: Choose this link to see the message header text. The Message header flyout appears with the following links:

  • Copy message header: Click this link to copy the message header (all header fields) to your clipboard.

  • Microsoft Message Header Analyzer: To analyze the header fields and values in depth, click this link to go to the Message Header Analyzer. Paste the message header into the Insert the message header you would like to analyze section (CTRL+V or right-click and choose Paste), and then click Analyze headers.

The following actions are available after you click Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (31) More actions:

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (32) Preview message: In the flyout that appears, choose one of the following tabs:

    • Source: Shows the HTML version of the message body with all links disabled.
    • Plain text: Shows the message body in plain text.
  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (33) Remove from quarantine: After you click Yes in the warning that appears, the message is immediately deleted without being sent to the original recipients.

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (34) Download email: In the flyout that appears, configure the following settings:

    • Reason for downloading file: Enter descriptive text.
    • Create password and Confirm password: Enter a password that's required to open the downloaded message file.

    When you're finished, click Download, and then Done to save a local copy of the message. The .eml message file is save in a compressed file named Quarantined in your Downloads folder. If the .zip file already exists, a number is appended to the filename (for example, Quarantined Messages(1).zip).

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (35) Block sender: Add the sender to the Blocked Senders list in your mailbox. For more information, see Block a mail sender.

* This option is not available for messages that have already been released (the Released status value is Released).

If you don't release or remove the message, it will be deleted after the default quarantine retention period expires (as shown in the Expires column).


On a mobile device, the description text isn't available on the action icons.

The icons in order and their corresponding descriptions are summarized in the following table:

Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (37)Release email
Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (38)View message headers
Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (39)Preview message
Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (40)Remove from quarantine
Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (41)Block sender

Take action on multiple quarantined email messages

When you select multiple quarantined messages in the list (up to 100) by clicking in the blank area to the left of the first column, the Bulk actions drop down list appears where you can take the following actions:

  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (43) Release messages: Delivers the messages to your Inbox.
  • Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (44) Delete messages: After you click Yes in the warning that appears, the messages are immediately removed from quarantine without being sent to the original recipients.
Find and release quarantined messages as a user - Office 365 (2024)


How do I release quarantined messages in Office 365? ›

From the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center:

Click Quarantine (any where in the box). A list of your emails in quarantine are displayed. Click any message to select it, then choose from the options given: Release message.

Can users manage quarantined messages? ›

Admins can view, release, and delete all types of quarantined messages for all users. Admins can also report false positives to Microsoft. By default, only admins can manage messages that were quarantined as malware, high confidence phishing, or as a result of mail flow rules (also known as transport rules).

Why are my emails being quarantined Office 365? ›

Anti-malware policies automatically quarantine a message if any attachment is found to contain malware. For more information, see Configure anti-malware policies in EOP.

How do I retrieve a quarantined Email? ›

It is not possible to recover deleted mail from the Spam Quarantine, as deletion is a final action.

How long do messages stay in quarantine? ›

It automatically deletes messages from the quarantine after 30 days. To view the quarantined messages, you may open the console and navigate to Quarantine > Query. The page allows you to review, delete, or release the messages for further filtering.

How do I release quarantined files? ›

If you are certain a quarantined file is not a threat, you can restore it.
  1. Open Windows Security.
  2. Select Virus & threat protection and then click Protection history.
  3. In the list of all recent items, filter on Quarantined Items.
  4. Select an item you want to keep, and take an action, such as restore.
Oct 19, 2022

How do I stop emails from being quarantined in Outlook 365? ›

Click the Preferences tab. Click the Quarantine Settings subtab. In the Quarantine Enable/Disable section, click the No option. Click the Save Changes button.

Why are my emails getting quarantined? ›

Quarantine. Sometimes junk mail goes into a Quarantine state because the message is spam-ish or potentially malicious. Like Junk mail, you can choose to move Quarantined messages to your inbox or delete it. After two weeks, the quarantined messages will expire and not be accessible.

How do I change the email quarantine in Office 365? ›

In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to Email & collaboration > Policies & Rules > Threat policies > Quarantine policies in the Rules section.
Select additional actions recipients can take on quarantined messages: Select some, all, or none of the following values:
  1. Delete.
  2. Preview.
  3. Block sender.
Dec 21, 2022

Why would a mailbox be quarantined? ›

Mailboxes are quarantined when they affect the availability of the mailbox database. Typically a software fix from Microsoft is required before releasing a mailbox from quarantine. If a fix isn't deployed before releasing the mailbox, the quarantine on the mailbox will be re-enabled if the condition recurs.

How do I unblock a quarantined sender? ›

Find the address on the blocked sender list and click the Trash icon to remove it from the list. . Was this reply helpful?

What happens when an email is quarantined? ›

Quarantined incoming messages—The intended recipient isn't alerted about the message unless you release it for delivery. Quarantined outgoing messages—These messages appear in the sender's Sent folder. These messages aren't delivered to the recipient unless an admin releases them from quarantine.

Why does Outlook quarantine emails? ›

By default, phishing, spam and bulk email messages are directed to your Junk Email folder, which is a good reason to review this folder daily. Sometimes junk mail goes into a Quarantine state because the message is potentially dangerous. These types of emails are "Quarantined" as a precaution.

How do I view quarantined files in Office 365? ›

In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at, go to Email & collaboration > Review > Quarantine. To go directly to the Quarantine page, use On the Quarantine page, you can sort the results by clicking on an available column header.

How do I open quarantined files in Office 365? ›

Go to your quarantine page at Sign in, using your Office 365 credentials (user ID and password). On your Quarantine page, you'll see a list of any messages that were sent to you, but were identified as spam and redirected to the quarantine.

Where does quarantined files go? ›

Files tagged for quarantine are encrypted and moved to a protected folder, preventing further execution and potential harm to the user's system. Each product has a Quarantine Manager where users can permanently delete or restore files from quarantine.

How do I release quarantine emails from a shared mailbox? ›

To access and review quarantined messages of a shared mailbox, follow these steps:
  1. Visit
  2. If you're not already logged in, log in using your own account.
  3. Click on the filter icon.
  4. Type the shared mailbox email address in the Recipient address.
  5. Click Apply.
Apr 25, 2022

How do I remove quarantined sender? ›

1) if the Admin user login to the tenant quarantine and block the sender the email will be removed from the quarantine to the personal Admin user junk email. 2) if the receiver user access to the own quarantine and block the sender the email will be removed from the quarantine to the receiver user junk email.

How long are messages sent to Office 365 quarantine retained before purge? ›

Messages are held in quarantine for your review for 30 days. After 30 days, messages are purged from the system and there is no way to retrieve them. We recommend that you review your quarantined messages periodically, either in your End User Digests or by logging on to the Proofpoint Web Console.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.