20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (2025)

In English, some nouns need to be referred to as “a pair of something” rather than just being called directly with their names.

In our post today, we list twenty different items that come in pairs.

On top of that, we also provide example sentences for easier understanding.

All the items in our list are likely encountered in day-to-day conversations and interactions with people around and, hence, practical.

Let’s begin by going over these things quickly.

What are some of the things that come in pairs?

  1. Shoes
  2. Socks
  3. Gloves
  4. Slippers
  5. Chopsticks
  6. Pajamas
  7. Skis
  8. Earrings
  9. Contact lenses
  10. Rackets
  11. Glasses
  12. Binoculars
  13. Pants
  14. Tweezers
  15. Pliers
  16. Scissors
  17. Goggles
  18. Handcuffs
  19. Underpants
  20. Tongs

The concept of pairing in English

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (1)

As the rise and spread of English as a global language continue to bridge the gap between and among elusive cultures, language uncertainties also become inevitable.

The concept of pairing in English means having two identical parts that likely work together as one, notwithstanding whether these parts are made up of separated or connected units.

When two units of an item are physically detached from each other but cannot serve their purpose without the other like shoes and socks, that item is considered a pair.

Meanwhile, single items with two identical parts that are physically attached by a joint, such as scissors, pliers, and sunglasses, are also regarded as pairs.

Moreover, the individual part of an item that comes in pair is also called “the pair” or “the other pair,”, thereby making certain expressions tricky for many non-natives.

Apart from referring to these items as “a pair of something,” they may also be preceded with phrases like “a match of,” “a couple of,” “a combination of,” or “a team of” something.

Grammatical background on things that come in pairs

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (2)

Nouns can be tricky because they entail the concept of grammatical numbers. For example, it is quite confusing how and when to use “candy” or “candies” in speech.

In addition, some words also make use of special pluralization rules. For instance, the plural of “no” can either be “noes,” “no’s,” or “nos” depending on the writer.

To make matters worse, nouns are also sometimes more specifically quantified using certain words for the sake of having a more accurate conveyance of thought.

Technically called a quantity noun, the expression “a pair of” is usually followed by another noun that is in plural form, such as in the phrases “a pair of scissors” and “a pair of skis.”

However, adjectives may also be inserted before the plural noun to further specify the idea being conveyed, such as in the following examples:

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A pair of denim pants

A pair of rusty scissors

A pair of pale, blue eyes

A pair of trotting footsteps

A pair of well-polished boots

A pair of dirty, tattered shorts

Counting pairs of items is done by adding a number or determiner before the phrase “pair of,” such as in “two pairs of jeans” or “five pairs of socks.”

Note that the word “pair” needs to be pluralized by adding the suffix “-s,” thereby making the word “pairs” if and when the items being described are more than one.

This rule is also true when forming the plural of “attorney” in which the suffix “-s” is also directly added rather than changing “-y” to “-i” and adding “-es” afterward.

If one of the two parts is missing, we can say “the pair of that item” is gone; for example, when looking for the other piece of a sock, you can say “Where is the pair to this sock?”

When the pair being sought is part of a single piece of an item with two connected parts, such as the other handle of a pair of scissors, then we may refer to it as “the other part.”

That is to say, the word “pair” can be interpreted in two ways, in which the first one means “a collection of two identical units” while the other is “the counterpart of an item that comes in a pair.”

A multitude of items can be identified as pairs in English, which means that it is nearly impossible to include all of them in a single post.

So, we have listed some of the most common pairs of things that can be used in daily conversations in the next section.

A list of twenty things that come in pairs and example sentences

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (7)

Most things that are regarded as pairs can be easily identified because of our pre-existing knowledge about the two indistinguishable units or parts of those things.

That said, we would automatically know that certain things must come in pairs if we can perceive them with our sensory organs.

However, some other pairs of things also have other implications such as “a pair of doves” whose figurative meaning is related to love, friendship, and peace.

But then, again, most pairs of things that are known to many of us are those that are either made up of two identical, yet separated, units or two identical, yet connected, parts.

Pairs that come in two individual parts

Many pairs of things come in two individual units or pieces but are typically used together because they are also needed for certain body parts that come in twos.

As humans are anatomically designed to have a set of two ears, feet, hands, et cetera, the materials that are used for these body parts naturally come in pairs too.

Here are some of the most common pairs of things that are made up of two separate units but are physically identical in appearance:

1. A pair of shoes

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (8)

“A pair of shoes” refers to any type of human footwear such as sneakers, boots, espadrilles, peep-toes, and stilettos.

If one aims to specifically identify the type of shoes in speaking or writing, the phrase “a pair of boots” or “a pair of stiletto” may also be used.


Instead of buying a pair of shoes for my birthday, you could just buy me a concert ticket.

2. A pair of socks

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (9)

“A pair of socks” refers to the set of two pieces of garment used as a protective covering for the lower leg part and feet.


This pair of socks may be worn out, but I still love using them.

3. A pair of gloves

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (10)

“A pair of gloves” is also a material used to cover the hands against high and low temperatures, dirt, germs, or harmful fluids.


Please hand me that pair of gloves in the drawer to your right.

4. A pair of slippers

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (11)

Meanwhile, “a pair of slippers” refers to the type of footwear that can be worn more easily than shoes, particularly because of the design and materials used.

Slippers are generally used for indoor purposes or when doing activities that do not necessarily require severe physical exhaustion such as walking.


Don’t forget to bring a pair of slippers when you’re going to the beach.

5. A pair of chopsticks

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (12)

The expression “a pair of chopsticks” refers to the two pieces of eating utensils that originated in China which are mainly used in many Asian countries.

Chopsticks are made up of wood, plastic, or steel that are equal in length that enables the user to eat slowly and carefully.


Why are you holding a pair of chopsticks? Do you even know how to use those?

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (13)

“A pair of pajamas” is the type of clothes people wear while sleeping. Usually made up of a loose pair of pants and shirt, pajamas are generally comfortable to wear.

While “pajamas” is the American English variant, the spelling “pyjamas” is meanwhile used in British English.


Aunt Celia gave me a pair of comfy pajamas last Christmas.

7. A pair of skis

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (14)

“A pair of skis” refer to the winter sports equipment used to slide over snow, particularly from an elevated area going downhill.


Would it be better to buy or rent a pair of skis this winter?

8. A pair of earrings

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (15)

“A pair of earrings” refers to the set of accessories usually worn by women on the ears to symbolize femalehood.


The price for this pair of earrings is unbelievable!

9. A pair of contact lenses

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (16)

Made of certain kinds of plastic materials, contact lenses, or simply “contacts,” are used either for visual correction or beautification.

The phrase “a pair of contact lenses” or “a pair of contacts” refers to the set of two lenses worn on the surface of the eyes.


She looks like Saoirse Ronan with the pair of contact lenses she’s wearing.

10. A pair of rackets

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (17)

Also in sports, “a pair of rackets” refer to the netted material used for hitting or striking a ball towards the opponent.


I bought Sally a new pair of rackets because she said she wanted to learn how to play lawn tennis.

Pairs that come in two connected parts

Some body parts are also located so close to each other and are linked by a common joint, such as the eyes, shoulders, arms, legs, and so on.

Therefore, the items that are used for these certain parts are also connected at a common juncture or intersection.

Listed below are several things that are attached or bound at some point to serve their purpose:

11. A pair of glasses

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (18)

“A pair of glasses” does not refer to the liquid container used for drinking. The word “glasses” is the shortened form of either “sunglasses” or “eyeglasses.”


It’s the frame of this pair of glasses that’s expensive – not the lenses.

12. A pair of binoculars

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (19)

Although a single item, binoculars are made up of a pair of two lenses that enables the user to view objects at a distance; hence, the item is precisely referred to as “a pair of binoculars” in English.


The woman at the window observes her neighbors with a pair of binoculars.

13. A pair of pants

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (20)

“A pair of pants” may also be more specifically called “a pair of jeans” or “a pair of slacks” depending on the type of material it is made up of.

In British English, the expression “a pair of trousers” is more conventionally used, although “a pair of pants” will still be generally understood by most people.


He threw his pair of dirty pants into the hamper.

14. A pair of tweezers

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (21)

“A pair of tweezers” is a phrase referring to the small tool made up of steel that is used for picking and grasping small objects.


You’ll find a pair of tweezers in my bag’s front pocket.

15. A pair of pliers

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (22)

“A pair of pliers” refers to the tool used for bending, holding, or cutting metals, wires, and other materials. Two levers that are joined at a fulcrum allow the user to grip the tool.


Hey, John, may I borrow a pair of pliers? I just need to cut some wires.

16. A pair of scissors

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (23)

Just like pliers, “a pair of scissors” is also a tool often used for cutting objects that are softer than metal.


The victim was only armed with a pair of scissors and a pot lid during the burglary.

17. A pair of goggles

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (24)

“A pair of goggles” refers to the type of eyewear used to protect the eyes and their surrounding areas.

Goggles are often used while swimming or doing laboratory activities that involve harmful chemicals.


Don’t forget to bring your pair of goggles for your swimming class later.

18. A pair of handcuffs

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (25)

“A pair of handcuffs” is a phrase that refers to the two pieces of metal rings attached by a metal chain. It is used for securing the captive’s hands.

Meanwhile, “a pair of legcuffs” is used for securing a captive’s legs so as to prevent it from escaping.


My brother taught me how to break free from a pair of handcuffs.

19. A pair of underpants

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (26)

In American English, “a pair of underpants” refers to either a male or female’s underwear; however, in British English, this phrase only refers to a male’s underwear.


I wanted to buy a pair of underpants, but the shop has run out of my size.

20. A pair of tongs

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (27)

“A pair of tongs” refers to the culinary tool used for gripping or holding ingredients so as to avoid direct contact with heat.


The cook lifted a piece of stewed pork hock with a pair of tongs.

Frequently Asked Questions on “Things That Come in Pairs”

Can we say “a pair of underwear”?

Although understandable, the phrase “a pair of underwear” is not used in English. Instead, natives say “a pair of panties, underpants, knickers, or boxer shorts” to refer to the undergarment used by people.

What are some of the things that go together like “salt and pepper”?

Some things that go together or “matching word pairs” include “peanut butter and jelly,” “macaroni and cheese,” “spoon and fork,” “bow and arrow,” and “fish and chips.”

What is the difference between a “set” and a “pair”?

A “pair” needs to be made up of a set of two identical items or elements such as “a pair of socks” or “a pair of pants.” Meanwhile, a “set” can be made up of two or more identical or non-identical parts or elements, such as “a set of legos” or “a set of fruits”.


Some words that are used to quantify certain nouns like the word “pair” may sometimes confuse non-native English speakers because the concept may not exist in their native language.

However, we cannot deny that the beauty of the notion of quantifying or measuring nouns is extremely useful in representing our thoughts more precisely.

That’s all for now, dear Linguaholic! Hope to see you again soon!

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (28)

Marcel Iseli

Hey fellow Linguaholics! It’s me, Marcel. I am the proud owner of linguaholic.com. Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.

20 Things that Come in Pairs — with Example Sentences (2025)


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Certain words go together like bread and water. Bread and water is an example of a word pair that is always used in that order. In other words, we don't say water and bread.

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A pair is two of something, usually that are similar or go together. For example: I'm going to buy a new pair of shoes. Johnny and Sally make a cute pair .

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We normally only use enough of when it is followed by a determiner or a pronoun (a/an/the, this/that, my/your/his, you/them, etc.). There isn't enough of that bread to make sandwiches for everyone. I've seen enough of his work to be able to recommend him. There's enough of us to make a difference.

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  • Bolder vs. boulder. Bolder is more bold, and boulder is more rock.
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  • Cite vs. sight vs. ...
  • Creak vs. creek. ...
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  • It's vs. its.
Sep 11, 2021

What things come in pairs? ›

Things that commonly come in pairs (two separate items)
  • a pair of shoes.
  • a pair of socks.
  • a pair of slippers.
  • a pair of boots.
  • a pair of shoe laces.
  • a pair of gloves.
  • a pair of cuff links.
  • a pair of earrings.

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Matching Word Pairs
  • Salt and Pepper.
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly.
  • Red Beans and Rice.
  • Macaroni and Cheese.
  • Bacon and Eggs.
  • Bonnie and Clyde.
  • Batman and Robin.
  • Mickey and Minnie.

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2 pairs sentences. 2 pairs sentences begin with 2 pairs of related adjectives: Exhausted and worried, cold and hungry, they did not know how much further they had to go.. adjective.

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Can a pair be used for 3 items? No; it always means 2 of something.

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A sentence is a set of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:"Ali is walking".

What is a word for enough? ›

Some common synonyms of enough are adequate, competent, and sufficient. While all these words mean "being what is necessary or desirable," enough is less exact in suggestion than sufficient. do you have enough food?

What type of word is enough? ›

Enough is a determiner, a pronoun or an adverb.

Would you be kind enough example? ›

For example

"Would you be so kind as to help me cross the road?" "Of course. May I take your hand?" "Would you be kind enough to bring me a pot of tea, please?"

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Take a look at these 20 examples of homographs.
  • Park - a public play area or to bring a vehicle to a stop and leave it temporarily.
  • Bat - a type of sports equipment or an animal.
  • Bass - a type of fish or a genre for music.
  • Minute - small or a unit of time.
  • Crane - a bird or a machine used at construction sites.

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10 most commonly known homophones we should know
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  • Die: If you don't quit smoking, you will die soon. ...
  • Plane: It is the first time for Ria on a plane. ...
  • Idol: Beyonce is an idol we all admire. ...
  • Break: Break the chocolate bar into pieces so that everyone can have some.
Feb 15, 2020

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Given below is the list of homophones containing 30 homophone words along with their examples.
Homophones List.
List of Homophones
Homophone Words & SentencesHomophone Words & Sentences
Gait – We saw the gait (walking style) of a Cheetah in the zooGate – The guard opened the gate and let the students in the school
30 more rows

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Fruit Flavor Pairing Chart
Passion fruitBanana, coconut, kiwi, lemon, lime, mango, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, strawberry
PeachApple, apricot, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, coconut, lemon, lime, nectarines, orange, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, plum, raspberry, strawberry
33 more rows
Feb 10, 2021

How many comes in a pair? ›

1. Pair, brace, couple, span, yoke are terms for groups of two. Pair is used of two things naturally or habitually associated in use, or necessary to each other to make a complete set: a pair of dice.

What are one pairs? ›

This poker hand consists of two cards of the same denomination. Note that equal value cards are not necessarily One Pair, but all pairs are equal value cards. For example, a hand containing K-K, or 2-2 has One Pair.

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A portmanteau is a literary device that encourages linguistic creativity. By combining two distinct words into one, a new word is created that holds its own specific meaning.

What type of word is a pair? ›

noun, plural pairs, pair. two identical, similar, or corresponding things that are matched for use together: a pair of gloves; a pair of earrings.

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Practice with these 150 examples of compound words:
  • Airplane.
  • Airport.
  • Angelfish.
  • Antfarm.
  • Ballpark.
  • Beachball.
  • Bikerack.
  • Billboard.

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An old riddle asks, “Can you name a word with three consecutive double letters?” One possible answer is WOOLLEN - 'double U, double O, double L, …' A more satisfying solution is BOOKKEEPER (or BOOKKEEPING), the only common words with a consecutive triple double. contributions.

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About the Word:

ZA is the most played word containing the letter Z (and the only playable two-letter word with the letter Z) in tournament SCRABBLE play.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.