11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia (2024)

11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia (1)

Despite your best efforts, there will be days when you have to miss work with little to no notice. Illnesses, accidents, or family emergencies are always legitimate reasons for missing work at the last minute. Just make sure you contact your boss as soon as you can, and don’t overuse these excuses.

Needing an excuse to miss work on short notice happens sometimes. While missing work on short notice can be common, there are good and bad reasons for doing it.

In this article, we’ll cover which excuses for missing work won’t raise any eyebrows, and which are likely to make a bad impression. We’ll also cover how to handle situations when you need to come into work late or leave early, as well as tips for delivering all these messages.

Key Takeaways

  • Good short notice excuses include accidents, health issues, and major and minor emergencies.

  • Contact your boss to let them know you won’t be coming in as quickly as you can.

  • When possible, try to leave work early or come in late instead of missing the whole day.

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In This Article

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  • 11 Good excuses for missing work on short notice
  • Good excuses for missing work at any time
  • Worst excuses for missing work
  • Good reasons to come in late or leave early
  • Tips for giving an excuse
  • Missing work at the last minute FAQ
  • Final thoughts
  • References
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11 Good excuses for missing work on short notice

Any excuse is usually fine for missing work, as long as you’ve given your supervisor plenty of time to plan for your absence. But when you need a good excuse to miss work last minute, some reasons just won’t cut it.

If you find yourself in a last-minute call out of work situation, here are just the excuses to get out of work:

  1. Accidents. Accidents are the ultimate excuse for getting out of work on short notice because they are, by definition, unpredictable. An accident doesn’t necessarily have to involve you directly, either. A spouse, child, or dependent that needs your help taking care of an accident are all valid excuses for missing work.

    Things like car crashes, injuries, or anything else that requires your immediate attention all fit into this category.

  2. Food poisoning. This is an effective excuse because almost everyone can relate to an experience of food poisoning. It’s embarassing, unpleasant, and not the sort of thing that gareners a lot of follow-up questions.

    Absolutely perfect for a last-minute excuse to call out.

  3. Menstrual cramps. Speaking of excuses that don’t generate a lot of follow-up questions, menstrual cramps are a very good reason for missing work on short notice.

  4. Sick child/spouse/dependent. While everyone thinks about personal illness as their go-to excuse for missing work, an illness in the family is just as good of an excuse. Anyone who’s had to care for a sick child knows that it’s a full-time job.

    Not to mention that most folks are more sympathetic toward a sick kiddo than a sick adult. This also goes for sick pets.

  5. Injured back. Back pain can come on pretty suddenly, making this a good last-minute excuse for missing work. Whether it’s something brought on by age or an injury from the gym, people can relate to the debilitating pain of a back injury.

  6. You need a mental health day. Depending on your boss, your calendar, and your habits, it can be totally fine to take a mental health day on short notice. People generally understand that everyone just needs a day off once in a while.

  7. Migraine. Migraine headaches can come on suddenly and be debilitating, and they’re a very legitimate reason for calling in sick to work last minute.

  8. Dental emergency. Chipped teeth and cracked crowns are no joke, and they need to be fixed as quickly as possible. Because of this, it’s perfectly acceptable to miss work for a dental emergency.

  9. House maintenance issue. Unexpected household issues such as a burst pipe or a gas leak is a good excuse for missing work. Not only do you need to be home to mitigate any damage, but you also often have to be around to let in the repair person.

  10. Death of a loved one. Finding out a friend or family member has passed away (or is going to soon) is always a good excuse for missing work at the last minute. In fact, many companies have bereavement policies that give you paid days off specifically for these circ*mstances.

  11. Unexpected circ*mstances. Whether you got a flat tire or your child’s school flooded and now you need to stay home to watch them, unexpected circ*mstances are legitimate reasons for missing work at the last minute.

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Good excuses for missing work at any time

There are a few good reasons for missing work that are always acceptable, whether these things happen as you’re walking out the door or are scheduled ahead of time.

Below are five good excuses for missing work at any time:

  1. Personal illness. If you’re too sick to get out of bed and do your job, or if you have an especially contagious illness, call out. A day away from the office isn’t just for your sake, but for your coworkers’ health and safety as well.

    Even if you work remotely, powering through your tasks while sick will slow down your recovery and leave you less effective for a longer period of time.

    Unexpected sickness affects everyone, and good managers will include some wiggle room in the schedule to accommodate this.

    You may need to schedule a doctor’s appointment to get a note for your employer that “verifies” you were, in fact, sick. Most employers will only require this sort of thing if you’re out for an extended period of time — not just a day or two.

    Keep your employer updated periodically and let them know at the end of the day whether you will be returning or if you need more recovery time at the end of the day.

  2. Family or home emergency. An emergency is, by its very nature, unexpected and urgent. A family emergency can include your child getting sick, a car accident, an elderly family member’s injury, an unexpected surgery, the death of a loved one, or any other urgent family matter.

    A home emergency could include a burst pipe, a fire, a broken car, or any other home matter that must be tended to immediately or prevents you from going in. In the case of a family emergency or a home emergency, let your employer know as soon as possible that you’ll need to miss work.

    The emergency situations listed above all have varying degrees of seriousness and may require different amounts of time off. For instance, if you are dealing with the death of a loved one, you will need more time off than if you are dealing with a burst water pipe. Whatever you do, don’t make up a fake emergency.

  3. Unexpected circ*mstances out of your control. Unexpected circ*mstances includes anything that prevents you from going to work that you couldn’t have known you would need to plan around. Maybe your flight was delayed, the bus broke down, your babysitter never showed up, or any other random occurrence.

    Situations where you could have planned around this circ*mstance – such as your car running out of gas on the highway or your alarm malfunctioning – should be used with extreme caution. It’s understandable if this happens once, but it will reflect poorly on your preparedness if it happens multiple times.

    Keep in mind that you may need to work from home in these situations or arrange for some other way of completing your day’s work. Don’t use the “unexpected circ*mstances” excuse more than a couple of times, as these occurrences are typically quite rare.

  4. Working hard and earning it. After working hard and earning some time may be the only situation where missing work is a positive situation for you and your employer, and it requires a bit of planning and dedication. If you spend extra time working in your week (by coming in early or staying late), you may be able to arrange a day off for yourself.

    More important than the time commitment is the result of your efforts. Asking for a random day off after completing a big project that’s the result of a lot of hard work is an acceptable part of most work cultures.

  5. Scheduled appointment. Medical appointments can be difficult to secure and may need to be scheduled during work hours. Professional appointments, such as a meeting with a prospective client, may also need to be scheduled during regular work hours. Both are perfectly legitimate reasons to miss work.

    As soon as you schedule your doctor’s or dentist appointment, let your employer know through the appropriate channels that you will need to either leave early or come in late (you won’t be able to miss an entire day for one appointment, typically) on that day.

    Similarly, let your employer know once you schedule an outing with a client or other work-related matters (just make sure it’s part of your job, of course). Just be sure whatever you say you’re doing, you are actually planning on doing it. Otherwise, you will be quickly called out.

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Worst excuses for missing work

Bad excuses to miss work can generally considered unprofessional and could even get you fired. Below are some of the worst excuses for missing work to help you avoid using them next time you call out.

  • Feeling tired. If you are feeling tired due to a sickness or an emergency situation, you should explain these circ*mstances to your boss as that’s obviously a bit different. However, if you simply got to bed late or are feeling groggy, that’s not a valid or professional reason for missing work.

  • Hungover. Never tell your boss you’re too hungover to go into work, no matter how “cool” they seem. You knew you had work the next day, and you took the gamble. And you lost that gamble, unfortunately, but you still have to go to work. If you’re really incapacitated, call in with a stomach flu, and maybe make some different choices next time.

  • Lack of planning. Emergencies and mistakes are understandable, and they happen to everyone. However, if you always find yourself having alarm clock, car, or babysitter emergencies, your employer will see you as an unreliable worker.

  • “Don’t feel like it.” It’s not likely that you’ll be bold enough to call in and say you don’t feel like coming into work today, but any reason that ultimately amounts to “I don’t feel like it” is questionable. If you are unhappy with your job, it may be time to consider finding a new one or discussing changing your workload.

  • Forgot. Not coming into work (and, naturally, not calling) because you forgot you were scheduled is going to get you fired unless you’re just starting out and has been hired at your very first part-time job. Keep track of your schedule and always call in if you are going to miss work.

Good reasons to come in late or leave early

When it comes to coming in late or leaving early, it’s preferable to your employer that you work at least part of your work day rather than none of it, so offering to work a partial day looks better for your professional standing than taking the whole day off.

Below are some good reasons for coming in late or leaving early:

  • Small emergency. If you are in a small-time emergency (e.g., home repair, car troubles), offer to come into work as soon as the issue is resolved. The situation may not be fixed in time for you to go in, but even making the offer makes you seem more dedicated to the job.

  • Sickness. If you are a bit ill (but definitely not if you are contagious), offer to come in late or leave early, depending on what you think you can manage. This will likely be received much more warmly by your employer and show that you are willing to push through. Just don’t push yourself too hard or unnecessarily expose your coworkers to your illness.

  • Appointments. Some circ*mstances (i.e., appointments) only necessitate missing a half-day of work, so scheduling an appointment strategically could make it so you can come in late or leave early according to your preference. Just make sure you communicate this with your boss as far in advance as possible.

Tips for giving an excuse

Use the following tips to maintain your professional standing and to make it easier on those you work with when calling out:

  • Contact your employer as soon as you know you’ll be missing work. The sooner your boss knows you’ll be missing work, the more time they have to plan for your absence. Let them know as soon as possible, and be sure to follow the proper protocol in your workplace for calling off.

  • Follow company policy. Whatever absence policy your supervisor prefers, adhere to it. Some bosses like to be called, some are fine with an email, and others will require you to inform multiple people, including HR.

    Most big companies will have an online portal to request days off, as well as a place to formally document the request and its acceptance.

  • Don’t lie. It can be tempting, but try to be honest when calling off from work. If you invent an emergency now, you may not have leeway for an actual crisis in the future.

  • Give necessary details, but not too much. Don’t be too vague, but don’t be too explicit. Simply saying you have a “personal emergency” is likely to be questioned by your employer, but saying you have explosive diarrhea is definitely not necessary. Accurately explain the situation as far as you feel comfortable.

    In the case of an ongoing event, provide updates as appropriate. For example, if you come down with the flu, check in each day on your status; if there’s a home emergency, call to let your boss know when the professional arrives and you’re on your way.

  • Plan for covering your workload. Most importantly, when missing work, you’re going to want to make a plan for how the work you missed will get done. Whether you have a coworker cover your shift or come in early next week, let your boss know you are taking your workload seriously.

Missing work at the last minute FAQ

  1. How do I tell work I can’t come in?

    You tell work you can’t come in by contacting your boss as soon as you know you won’t make it. Ideally, this will be at least a few days in advance, but this isn’t always feasible.

    If you wake up too sick to get out of bed, for example, the first thing you should do is call, text, or email your boss (whatever they prefer) to let them know.

  2. How can I miss work without getting fired?

    You can miss work without getting fired by having a legitimate (and true) excuse and giving as much notice as possible. If you realize you can’t make it to work because you’re sick, have to take care of a family member, or some other unavoidable reason, contact your boss as soon as you can.

    You don’t have to go into detail about what’s going on, but communication is key to staying in your boss’s good graces when you miss work.

    In addition, if you can make every effort to help your team cover your responsibilities by coming in late or fielding phone calls and emails from home, that also goes a long way.

  3. How do I stop feeling guilty for taking a sick day?

    You can stop feeling guilty for taking a sick day by getting a doctor’s note or reminding yourself that rest is vital to doing your job well. If you’re struggling with strong feelings of guilt over taking a sick day, having a doctor put in writing that you need rest can quickly quell that.

    However, this isn’t always practical, so try reminding yourself that you’re helping your team by staying home and getting better. A day or two without you is far better than weeks without you if you get sicker, or weeks of everyone getting sick because you exposed them all.

  4. Do you apologize for calling in sick?

    Yes, you should apologize for calling in sick. This doesn’t mean that you should apologize for being sick and taking a day to rest — it means apologizing for any inconvenience your absence may cause.

    While you shouldn’t feel bad for taking a sick day, acknowledging that your boss and coworkers will have to cover for you is a courteous and professional thing to do.

    If you can, ask if there’s anything you can do to help from home and invite your team to contact you with any questions they may have.

Final thoughts

Everyone needs to take an unexpected day off work at some point in their lives. Most supervisors like to get a bit of notice when you’ll be out, but good managers understand that some circ*mstances don’t allow for advance notice.

Some no-notice reasons are perfectly acceptable, as long as they’re used sparingly. Other excuses might make you look unprepared and unprofessional.


  1. FindLaw – Can My Job Force Me To Work While Sick?

  2. Terry Katz and Associates, P.C. – 8 Acceptable Reasons To Miss Work

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11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia (2)


Chris Kolmar11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia (3)

Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job.His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news.More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia (2024)


11 Good Excuses To Miss Work on Short Notice - Zippia? ›

Good short notice excuses include accidents, health issues, and major and minor emergencies. Contact your boss to let them know you won't be coming in as quickly as you can. When possible, try to leave work early or come in late instead of missing the whole day.

What is a good excuse to get out of work short notice? ›

Good Excuses To Miss Work
  1. Car (or Other) Accident. Accidents are unexpected events and usually qualify as legitimate requests for sudden leave, especially if serious injuries are involved. ...
  2. Death of a Loved One. ...
  3. Personal Illness. ...
  4. Child's Illness. ...
  5. Emergency. ...
  6. Car Problems. ...
  7. Medical Appointments. ...
  8. Miscellaneous Absences.

What is a believable excuse to miss work? ›

Sickness or a funeral, special occasions, family emergencies, last-minute appointments, food poisoning, minor accidents/injuries, blood donations, or car issues are good excuses to call off work in last-minute texts.

Which of the following is a good reason to miss work? ›

Personal illness

The most common reason to call into work is sickness. If you're feeling ill, have a fever, or can't keep your breakfast down, everyone will appreciate you staying home. Even if you work remotely, ask for the day off so you can rest. Contact your manager as soon as you know you need to take off.

What is a good excuse to get 2 weeks off work? ›

Acceptable reasons for missing work without notice include sudden illness, emergency situations, death of a loved one, school or road closures and certain personal issues. It's advised to communicate with your employer as soon as possible in these situations.

How do I take a day off on short notice? ›

How to Write a Day Off Request Email
  1. A straightforward subject line (e.g., "Day Off Request: [Your Name] - [Date]")
  2. A professional yet friendly tone.
  3. The specific date and reason for your one-day rendezvous with freedom.
  4. A plan for dealing with any work that may come up during your absence.
  5. A cheery sign-off.

What is a good excuse to leave work for a few hours? ›

Family commitments are universally understood, making them ideal excuses. Whether it's a child's school event, a spouse's doctor appointment, or a parent needing assistance, family obligations are valid reasons to leave work early.

How do you say I am not coming to work today? ›

I regret to inform you that I won't be able to come into work today due to unforeseen circ*mstances. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.” 2. “I wanted to let you know that a personal matter has come up that requires my immediate attention.

How to call off work without saying why? ›

Keep the conversation short and don't overexplain things. It's okay to just say you're not feeling well and leave it at that. Inform any team members or coworkers who rely on your presence that you won't be able to come in today.

What is the best excuse for being absent? ›

5 acceptable reasons to miss work
  • Illness.
  • Family emergency or illness.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Car trouble/house or apartment issues.
  • Feeling tired or stressed.
  • Unhappy in your job.
  • Poor planning.
  • Be honest but don't overexplain.
Sep 22, 2023

What is the #1 reason for missed work days? ›

Depression: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the leading cause of absenteeism in the United States is depression.

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Unsatisfactory performance is the primary reason why most employees get fired. Such a reason encompasses a number of specific things that can cause an individual to lose his job.

What is a good excuse for a day off work? ›

12 good reasons to call out work
  • Loss of a loved one.
  • Feeling sick.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Someone else is sick.
  • Doctor's appointment.
  • Caring for a pet.
  • Family emergency.
  • Lack of childcare.

How do I tell my boss I can't come in? ›

How to text your boss you can't come in
  1. Check your employer's policy regarding days off work. ...
  2. Consider your history of taking workdays off. ...
  3. Text your supervisor as early as possible. ...
  4. Be succinct, clear, and honest. ...
  5. Keep your text formal. ...
  6. Propose a plan to mitigate your absence.
Oct 12, 2022

What is a good excuse to miss work on short notice illness? ›

If pressed, say you have a migraine, the flu, food poisoning, or you threw out your back. Tell your boss that you have an emergency appointment. This could be for you, or it could be for a "sick" child, spouse, or pet. To avoid health-related excuses, say that you're locked out of your car or you have a flat tire.

What is the best excuse to leave a job? ›

What's a good reason for leaving a job?
  • "I decided to go back to school.”
  • "I personality didn't align with the company culture.”
  • "I want to pursue a better opportunity.”
  • "I had to leave for health reasons that have since been resolved.”
  • "I was laid off/let go.”
  • "I wanted to work in a different industry.”
Feb 2, 2024

How to get out of going to work last-minute? ›

20 Good Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice
  1. Email Template and Text Examples to Miss Work.
  2. 1 You're not feeling well.
  3. 2 You've got a sick child to take care of.
  4. 3 You have a last-minute doctor's appointment.
  5. 4 You've got food poisoning.
  6. 5 You've got a dental emergency or appointment.
  7. 6 You're coping with a migraine.

How do I leave work early on short notice? ›

22 Common and Good Excuses to Leave Work Early
  1. Medical Appointment. You have an urgent doctor's appointment that you couldn't schedule at any other time or day.
  2. Family Emergency. ...
  3. Car Trouble. ...
  4. Home Maintenance. ...
  5. Illness. ...
  6. Personal Health Appointment. ...
  7. Child's School Event. ...
  8. Pet Emergency.
Sep 24, 2023

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