What Colors Are Bearded Dragons Attracted to and Why? | Family Pet Planet (2024)

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Everyoneis always amazed at the cool and dazzling colors that bearded dragonspossess. But bearded dragons also exhibit very different behaviorsbased on the colors of things they interact with.

What colors are bearded dragons attracted to and why? Bearded dragons have full color vision and react to different colors based upon their natural environment, as well as biological, hormonal or social factors. Color preference can depend on personal experiences and interactions with different objects, foods, or creatures.

Learning more about what your bearded dragon likes and dislikes allows you to understand your pet better and develop a strong relationship. It can be fun to experiment a little with color to learn more about what inspires your own beardie, so let’s talk about color, vision and how they make your beardie tick.

Why Are Bearded Dragons Attracted toCertain Colors?

Biology and Environment

Colors which bearded dragons display are usually the colors that they are also attracted to or at least have stronger reactions to. Bearded dragons change colors in different circ*mstances and so they are also more likely to respond to these shades as they can signal a variety of things.

When bearded dragons see colors that correspond to their own genetics, how they behave is somewhat preprogrammed.

This is why bearded dragons may behave differently around objects based purely upon their color. It may be an instinctive reaction based on their response to other dragons displaying such colors.

Researchers have also found a correlation between the range of colors a bearded dragon can display and the colors in their natural habitat.

For example, Mildura lizards are able to better blend in with the yellow sands that are prevalent in the region, while the Alice Springs lizards are better at matching their own native red sands.

Here’s a great video from the University of Melbourne that illustrates this.

Whether it’s food, a toy, or your shirt, an object might inspire a reaction in your bearded dragon, based solely on a genetically predisposed impression of its color.

Experiences and Interactions

Despite bearded dragon’s biological instincts, many bearded dragon owners have different experiences of their pet’s preference to colors. Some love certain bright colors such as red but get very stressed out over others like yellow or orange. However, other dragons may respond differently to these colors depending on their own experiences.

Here are some ideas for learning more about your dragons’ color preferences:

  • Pay attention to the mood of your bearded dragon when you wear different colored shirts.
  • It may be fun to give your beardie different colored food pellets (which all taste the same), to see if your pet prefers one color to another.
  • If your bearded dragon has a favorite food, experiment to see if it’s actually the color that draws him close.

So, while some of the attraction to color is born from genetics, there is also something to individual preference. As you get to know your beardie better, you’ll start to learn the difference.

Let’s talk a little more about the colors bearded dragons change to and why.

Bearded Dragons Change Colors of Different Body Parts

Research shows that bearded dragons can change the color of different parts of their body for a variety of reasons including temperature fluctuations, camouflage, social interaction as well as to ward off rivals or predators.

  • Bearded dragons have been seen to change the color of their chest and beard when interacting socially with other lizards. This color is typically creamy tan or jet-black, which is why other bearded dragons can be instinctively responsive to these colors.
  • They will often change the color of their backs due to temperature fluctuations. Their backs turn bright yellows in warmer temperature and dark brown or black in cooler temperatures.
  • When they feel stressed or are sick, they will turn black. While executing the puffing of the beard, they will usually turn it black as well.

Change in Temperature, Change in Color

Because of the weather extremes where these lizards live, it’s useful to have a mechanism for regulating temperature particularly as bearded dragons are cold-blooded.

The optimal internal temperature for a bearded dragon is 95° F (35° C). To accomplish this, the lizard’s back will change to a reflective bright yellow color in the heat and a heat absorbent dark brown in the cold.

It makes sense that this is the only body part that changes for temperature fluctuations as it is the only part that is exposed to the sun.

When the colors change, it happens very quickly which is a very important adaptation to rapidly warm or cool the internal body temperature.

Studieshave been done to compare the bearded dragons to pale lizards. Thebearded dragons that had dark backs reflected 8% of the sun’s lightwhen compared to the 23% reflected by pale lizards.

ChangingColor For Social Interaction

The chestand beard don’t change color during temperature regulation butinstead, turn to cream and jet black when communicating with otherlizards. Interestingly they also do “push-ups” and head bobs.

To showexcitement or anger, the bearded dragon will darken up. Researchalso shows that showing a dark chest and neck displays dominantqualities that are attractive to a potential mate.

They may become a pulsating orange with a black beard to warn off rivals from their territory.

Interestingly, one study is soon to look at how all of these different color changes for different reasons may actually counteract each other.

We can see all the different colors a bearded dragon turns into, but how exactly do we know what they see themselves?

What Colors Do Bearded Dragons See?

Bearded dragons have fantastic color vision. They can actually see more colors than humans can. They are tetrachromatic, meaning they have four color receptors, where we only have three.

Bearded dragons can also see UV waves, which illustrates how important UV light is for them.

While bearded dragons have great color vision, due to the fact that their eyes are on the sides of their head, they have fairly bad depth perception causing some of their leaps to miss!

However, this also grants them a much larger field of vision than animals that have both eyes on the front of their heads.

Why Your Dragon Might Turn Black

Some owners report that their bearded dragon stays turned black all the time and hides. If this is the case for your beardie, they might be able to see something which scares them.

Due to their wide field of vision, as long as nothing is blocking their line of sight, they can usually see the entire room without moving their heads. They may see themselves in the mirror as well as birds outside.

Some bearded dragons stay turned black all day because they see too much and so they may be trying to camouflage even though they aren’t in any real danger.

To prevent this, it is key to provide your bearded dragon with hideouts where they can’t see any potential predators, and they feel safe.

How Far CanBearded Dragons See

There is some controversy around this, but everybody agrees that they can see about as far as the average human. You can test out their visibility by going far back from their enclosure and pulling out whatever their favorite treat is, to see at what distance you get a reaction.

Relaxedbearded dragons are always focusing their eyes on things far away. Ifyou put some food right in front of them, you can see their pupilsadjust to see their prey much more clearly.

They willalso tilt their head to see things that are in front of them mucheasier.

Do Bearded Dragons Have Vision in theDark?

In short, no, they cannot see in the dark, they actually have pretty weak pupils. Because of this, bearded dragons know exactly when it’s time to sleep.

You need to make sure you have a lighting routine if you don’t have time switches because this can upset their biological clock.

With a disturbed biological clock, they will start roaming around their cage and become very stressed. Just be sure not to use a red light for your beardies…

Don’t Use a Red Light at Night forBeardies

A myth wasstarted long ago that reptiles couldn’t see red light so peoplecould use red heat bulbs at night, and this wouldn’t keep themawake. This has been proven to be false. Reptiles see thingsdifferently, but they can still see colors and lights like us.

If youwant to test this for yourself, try watching TV in the same room asyour dragon You will notice that your beardie watches it with you.This is because it sees the lights and images.

Research has shown that bearded dragons can see this and that disturbs their sleep. So, unless your bearded dragon has a sleeping spot completely hidden from the light, then you are probably disturbing their sleep.

You shouldnot put any lights directly into the cage with your dragon becausethey need darkness to sleep properly. Set up a basking area far awayfrom their sleeping area.

Red Lights Don’t Give Off UV

Redlights, in general, don’t give off UV light. They also providelittle heat when compared to a bearded dragon’s natural environmentof the desert. Beardies need better!

Some people recommend ReptiSun 10.0 UV lights with ceramic bulbs for the dragons basking area, this will provide heat and valuable UV light.

Forheating purposes, bearded dragons need bright white light during theday. Any heat lamps that emit a red light during the night should beavoided at all costs.

How LongShould the Daytime Lights Be on for a Bearded Dragon?

Beardeddragons need at least 10-12 hours of lighting every day, the UVradiation is crucial for their health, without they will developbehavioral or mental problems, health issues, loss of appetite, andmetabolic bone disease.

  • It is recommendedthat you have at least 5-7 percent UVA and UVB radiation.
  • UVA radiation: Helpsyour dragon stimulated and with a healthy appetite
  • UVB radiation:Enables bearded dragons to metabolize calcium and vitamin D3

Moretips on lighting for bearded dragons:

  • Yourfluorescent bulb should be at least 80% the length of the dragon’senclosure.
  • Duringthe summer months, your bearded dragon should get 14-16 hours oflight and UV exposure in the daytimes
  • Duringthe winter months, the hours of light and UV exposure should bedecreased to 10-12 hours.
  • Readand follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing yourspecific model and brand of bulb
  • Makesure you only use bulbs that are made specifically for desertreptiles.
What Colors Are Bearded Dragons Attracted to and Why? | Family Pet Planet (2024)


What colors do bearded dragons see? ›

Bearded dragons see more color than we do.

Bearded dragons can see a spectrum of color that humans can't imagine. This is because they have four distinct cones in their eyes, whereas humans have three.

What color is a happy bearded dragon? ›

Yellow and orange colors typically indicate warmth, feeling relaxed and happy, while colors such as red or black can indicate a possible health issue. Pay attention to the social signals displayed in colors, and you'll be able to better care for your bearded dragon's well-being.

What is the rare color bearded dragon? ›

Blue and purple dragons are the product of two translucent morphs. Many dragons that exhibit blue and purple coloring all over when they are young will lose the coloring as they grow, making blue and purple adult dragons very rare.

What do bearded dragons love most? ›

Bearded dragons love to climb, explore, and burrow. To nurture these natural movements, add playful decor to the pet's enclosure. Large flat rocks to bask on, tall grasses to poke through, and faux tree branches to maneuver help mimic the animal's natural Australian environment.

What color light do bearded dragons like? ›

Bright light with a color temperature of 6000-7000K is suggested by experts to be important to bearded dragons' mental health.

What color is a stressed bearded dragon? ›

Depending on your dragon, stress marks may look like dark lines, ovals, or spots, or your dragon's entire beard may be black even while it is not expanded.

What colors are beautiful bearded dragons? ›

They can come in a variety of different colors, such as tan, red, yellow, and have black and orange markings. These are the most commonly seen morph of bearded dragons and usually the least expensive morph to purchase.

Why is my beardie changing colors? ›

Bearded dragons change color on different body parts for social signals and temperature regulation.

Are Beardies color blind? ›

Bearded dragons have amazing vision and hearing—they can see in color, and can even see things that are moving behind them by using their “parietal eye” (a small gap in their skull). Bearded dragons are omnivores—they eat both plants and meat!

What color is bearded dragon poop? ›

The most common bowel movement type in bearded dragons will be brown and white. the brown part will be log-shaped with the white part on the end. The white color is the urate or their pee – waste product from your beardie's kidneys. Bearded dragons don't pee, so urates come out with their BM.

What color are fancy bearded dragons? ›

The most common base colors in captive breeding are Red and Yellow (aka Citrus). Although there are also less common colors including orange and white, we focus solely on producing vibrant citrus and red bearded dragons. The original bearded dragon's from Australia are different shades of brown.

Can I kiss my bearded dragon? ›

Don't kiss or snuggle your bearded dragon, and don't eat or drink around it. This can spread Salmonella to your mouth and make you sick. Keep your bearded dragon out of your kitchen and other areas where you eat, store or prepare food.

How do I show my bearded dragon I love him? ›

Provide a spacious, high-quality habitat with non-toxic substrate, lounging furniture, and hiding spots. Pick up your bearded dragon often and pet it whenever it seems agitated or stressed. Try feeding your bearded dragon by hand occasionally to build a stronger bond.

How do I make my beardie like me? ›

Bonding With a Beardie
  1. Smell Association. Bearded dragons actually have quite acute little noses. ...
  2. Bathtime. Unlike most of our canine patients, bearded dragons actually enjoy baths. ...
  3. Hand Feeding. Beardies eat live bugs, which you may not want to hold. ...
  4. Playtime. Give your lizard buddy some fun time. ...
  5. Is It Working?
Mar 1, 2021

Do bearded dragons Recognise you? ›

A Bearded Dragon's Temperament

Some may be fine with other beardies in captivity, but many prefer to be alone. Beardies love their owners. They'll recognize you, look in your eyes, beg for food, and sometimes want to be held. Unlike furry friends, beardies don't need constant attention or handling.

Can bearded dragons see red? ›

Although It is common to hear that they cannot see color, there is ample evidence that reptiles' visual color receptors CAN see a variety of colors, including red. In this blog we will discuss why red bulbs are not the best and why there are better options for your pets.

Do bearded dragons like mirrors? ›

Many bearded dragons are especially drawn to slotted balls like hamster balls or cat toys. Never let them play with marbles, small rubber balls, or anything else they could choke on. Mirrors. Some bearded dragons really enjoy mirrors, but others get stressed at the sight of their reflection.

How to tell if a bearded dragon is cold? ›

If their terrarium is too cold, bearded dragons may attempt to regulate their body temperature by flattening out in order to absorb as much heat as possible. If you notice your dragon pancaking a lot in his tank, this is likely the cause.

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