Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (2024)

Some of the best ways to close out your City Year with your students

As a City Year AmeriCorps member, you’ve spent all school year creating impactful and unique moments with your students. Now it’s time to finish strong and say goodbye. With the school year coming to an end, here are some ways to make your goodbyes a meaningful and positive experience for you and your students.

Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (1)

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Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (2)

An assortment of inspirational notes for your students

One of the hardest parts about saying goodbye to your students is knowing that you won’t always be there to share an encouraging word or have an empowering conversation. But don’t worry! You should leave service knowing that your students have a community of caring adults around them. From parents and guardians to teachers and administrators, your students will not be without the support they need!

Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (3)

Learn more about successfully closing out relationships with students.

Still, leaving your students with a note that inspires, motivates and encourages them can help your students through the challenges of the next academic year. It can also remind you of the meaningful relationship you both worked to build. These notes can be personal messages or quotes from inspirational public figures.

When creating these notes, think about your students and what inspires them. You can even create categories such as “For When You Need Encouragement,” “For When You Need a Good Laugh,” or “For When You’ve Accomplished a Goal.” Find a creative way to display or package them, such as a mason jar or a customized notebook. Your students will appreciate having these words to take with them moving forward.

Highlight your students’ milestones and achievements

One way to ensure that saying goodbye remains a positive and uplifting experience is to reflect on all the wins and gains you experienced together. You want to make sure your students recognize their progress this year, even the small or less obvious triumphs.

Carve out some time to reflect on the goals you accomplished, such as going from a “C” to a “B-” in biology or improving punctuality and attendance in class. Recapping these milestones can be a confidence boost for your students and remind them of their ability and power to achieve great things.

Write or exchange thoughtful letters with your students

Sometimes a simple letter can convey so much. Jotting down your thoughts and feelings about ending your journey can be cathartic and give you and your students the closure you need. You can turn it into an exercise where you both write a letter to each other and then share them on the last day. In the letter, you can share your fondest memories of your time together and warm wishes for your respective futures.

If letters aren’t your forte, try a poem, song or writing style that suits your liking. Either way, if it’s meaningful, it will be worth it!

Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (4)

City Year offers caring, consistent student support.

Create a playlist for or with your students

It’s not always easy to find the right words to express your feelings. Sometimes thoughts are more easily translated through music. Find a few songs that capture the sentiment you are looking for and make a playlist to share with your students. You can make a PowerPoint or document with YouTube links to all the songs or even create a Spotify playlist that you can share with your students. You can also print off lyrics and create a song book. You can even make it into a group activity where you and your students create the playlist together!

Create a visual representation of your journey together

A picture, collage or artwork can be a creative way to capture your farewell. Take a futuristic approach and make a vision board with your student that includes your hopes and dreams for the future. Plan an activity where you cut out images and symbols from magazines and newspapers reminiscent of your year and assemble them on a canvas or poster board. Create a visual timeline of your journey, starting from the first day of school to your last day of class. Put together a photo album (FERPA approved) of sentimental moments like solving a problem together or having one-on-one time during lunch.

These visuals can be sweet reminders of the amazing journey you had together. Of course, make sure that any photos you include adhere to City Year’s guidelines to ensure the students’ safety!

Goodbyes also introduce new beginnings

However you choose to say goodbye to your students, make sure they understand that goodbyes are just hellos to new and exciting chapters to follow and that the bond you have will never be forgotten.

Looking for more advice on how to close out the year with students?

Learn more

This blog was updated in May 2022.

Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year (2024)


Thoughtful ways to say goodbye to your students - City Year? ›

Individual, handwritten notes or postcards are really special and meaningful. If you're not much of a talker, try jotting down a single piece of advice for moving on from school/college, or a cheap and easy recipe to try while at uni.

How do you say goodbye to students at the end of the year? ›

Individual, handwritten notes or postcards are really special and meaningful. If you're not much of a talker, try jotting down a single piece of advice for moving on from school/college, or a cheap and easy recipe to try while at uni.

What can I say to my students at the end of the year? ›

You're an inspiration in the classroom. You inspire me to be a better teacher. It's students such as yourself who remind me of why I pursued a career in education. Thank you for being an awesome student.

How do you say goodbye in a memorable way? ›

30 Quirky And Funny Ways to Say Goodbye
  1. It Was a Great Pleasure Talking to You. Let's say you met an official person, and bid adieu formally, then you can use this sentence instead of a plain 'bye. ...
  2. Bon Voyage. ...
  3. Smell You Later. ...
  4. Cheerio. ...
  5. Hakuna Matata. ...
  6. Adios. ...
  7. Sayonara. ...
  8. Aloha.
Feb 5, 2024

How do you say farewell to a student? ›

Take a look at some of the most emotional farewell captions for students:
  1. I wish you the best as you start your next chapter of life. ...
  2. Best wishes and farewell! ...
  3. Goodbye, my beloved students! ...
  4. Being your teacher has been a privilege. ...
  5. Remember that your diligence and commitment will always be valued as you go.

How do teachers say goodbye students? ›

Write or exchange thoughtful letters with your students

You can turn it into an exercise where you both write a letter to each other and then share them on the last day. In the letter, you can share your fondest memories of your time together and warm wishes for your respective futures.

How do you say goodbye to the year? ›

New Year's Eve 2023 Quotes
  1. "Endings tend to precede new beginnings, so why not celebrate?"
  2. "Goodbye 2023, hello 2024!"
  3. "As the clock strikes midnight, let's leave 2023 behind and embrace the promises of the future."
  4. "As the old year makes way for the new, remember that you are the author of your own story."
Nov 1, 2023

What is an inspirational quote for students leaving? ›

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” “Believe you can and you're halfway there.” “Life in not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

How do you thank students at the end of a semester? ›

Thank you for your outstanding effort! Thank you for your commitment to completing your homework and assignments on time. Your diligence and responsibility as a student are truly commendable. Keep up the excellent work!

How do you say a heartfelt goodbye? ›

“I love you.” These three words are one of the greatest phrases to use in goodbyes. Practice saying them. “I forgive you.” or “I'm sorry.” These are powerful goodbye words and can transform you and the person who receives them for a lifetime. “Thank you” is another comforting goodbye phrase.

How do you say goodbye in a classy way? ›

Here are a few examples of polite goodbye phrases:
  1. Formal goodbyes: Goodbye. Farewell. It was a pleasure meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again.
  2. Casual goodbyes: See you later. Talk to you soon. Catch you later. Later, alligator.
  3. Slang goodbyes: Peace out. Laters. Later, tater. Peace.
May 28, 2023

How do you say goodbye meaningfully? ›

“*ntil we meet again” emphasizes the hope of seeing the other person in the future. Express your gratitude for the time spent together with “it's been a pleasure.” Offering “blessings” is a deeply spiritual and meaningful way to say goodbye.

How do you tell students you are leaving mid year? ›

Ten Ways to Tell Students You're Leaving
  1. Plan what you will say and when you will share the information. ...
  2. Begin calmly. ...
  3. If possible, let the students know who the new teacher will be.
  4. Share where you are moving and some interesting facts about the area or state with your students. ...
  5. Attitude is everything!

What is a short and simple farewell message? ›

All the best in finding new opportunities elsewhere—we will all miss you!” “This is not goodbye, just farewell for now! Thank you for all you have done.” “I hope this has been an enjoyable time at the company and that I'll see you again someday!”

How do you plan a farewell for students? ›

Seven things that will make a more memorable farewell party
  1. Find a unique location. ...
  2. Choose an unusual theme. ...
  3. Plan some fun games and surprises. ...
  4. Exchange gifts. ...
  5. Prepare mementos. ...
  6. Invite school representatives, preferably their homeroom teacher. ...
  7. Prepare extras.
Oct 2, 2022

How do you say last day of school? ›

Here are some short lines to say before leaving your school:
  1. "Thank you for all the memories."
  2. "I'm grateful for the support I've received here."
  3. "I'm excited for the future, but I'll miss this place."
  4. "I'm proud to have been a part of this community."
  5. "I'm leaving here a better person."
Apr 1, 2023

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.