The Top Insecurities in Women and How to Overcome Them (2024)

As women, we don’t always feel 100% secure about every aspect of our life, whether it’s our body, our career, our intellect, our age, or our relationships. In today’s world of Instagram and social media, we can become obsessive and feel more and more pressured to attain “perfection” (which we all know doesn’t actually exist). As a result, we can be left feeling inadequate and insecure, leading to poor self-esteem and low confidence. I have practiced as a clinical psychologist for years, and these are what I believe to be the top three most common insecurities women struggle with and ways to conquer those self-doubts. Remember: the mind is a powerful force, and we have the ability to change our outlook and beautifully embrace our uniqueness.


Beauty is by far the biggest insecurity women report. We can be our own harshest critic and therefore we can struggle emotionally to just feel “good enough.” If treatments like Botox/fillers or using your top contouring skills make you feel your best, by all means, go for it. But it’s also important to remember to embrace your imperfections and own what makes you unique. Realizing that your characteristics are distinct to you and carrying that with confidence really sets the tone for security. After all, physical attractiveness is temporary, so we should gravitate toward developing inner qualities that are long-lasting and permanent.


Women can often feel insecure and struggle with the idea of being wanted in relationships. Feeling unloved and undesirable creates an inner conflict where we then begin to compare ourselves with other women who we perceive have more than we do. We tend to focus more on the things that are lacking in us rather than the things we have. Additionally, we look for validation and approval from a partner rather than looking inward at the root cause of our insecurity. Trying to find security and reassurance through a partner is like putting a Band-Aid on an open wound. A more substantial approach to overcoming these insecurities includes mindfully increasing self-love and compassion. One way to access this is to make a list of all your strengths and positive characteristics and call it your “confidence file.” Pull this out when you are feeling insecure in your relationship and allow it to remind you of all the positive qualities you have.


In my experience, I’ve found that many women feel doubtful about their ability to participate in intellectual conversations constructively. They fear not being able to contribute something of value, which should never be the case. This insecurity can arise around romantic partners as well as coworkers, friends, and family. Observing the interactions of others can be a great way to learn how to incorporate different strategies in conversations. Also, focusing more on your own personal goals expands intellectual ability, grants more confidence, and adds depth to your inputs.

Women feel insecure for a multitude of reasons, but they can beat those feelings in a slew of ways. Regardless of how self-conscious you may feel, remember that everyone has their own version of insecurities. Focus your efforts on overcoming yours and allowing space for your own growth and personal development.

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Jennifer Galvan, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Woodland Hills, California. Dr. Galvan has several years of training and experience in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and has been part of many podcasts and seminars around diverse topics. For more information, visit Dr. Galvan’s website at or follow @dr.jennifergalvan on Instagram.

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The Top Insecurities in Women and How to Overcome Them (2024)


The Top Insecurities in Women and How to Overcome Them? ›

The kind of childhood you had, past traumas, recent experiences of failure or rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself, perfectionism, or having a critical parent or partner can all contribute to insecurity.

What are the biggest insecurities for women? ›

Here are some of the most common female insecurities:
  • Body image: Many women feel insecure about their bodies, particularly their weight, shape, and size. ...
  • Appearance: In addition to body image, many women also feel insecure about their appearance, including their hair, skin, makeup, and clothes.
Aug 7, 2023

How to make insecurities go away? ›

The answer is yes – there are strategies you can use to shift your perspective and your mindset and overcome insecurity once and for all.
  1. Face your feelings. ...
  2. Challenge your limiting beliefs. ...
  3. Stop perfectionism. ...
  4. Face your fears. ...
  5. Adopt a growth mindset. ...
  6. Shift your perspective. ...
  7. Be prepared for obstacles.

What causes insecurity in a woman? ›

The kind of childhood you had, past traumas, recent experiences of failure or rejection, loneliness, social anxiety, negative beliefs about yourself, perfectionism, or having a critical parent or partner can all contribute to insecurity.

What is the most common insecurity? ›

A common source of insecurity is body image. Many people feel insecure about the way they look and question whether they measure up to an imposed ideal. There is no necessary connection between actual body health or appearance and body insecurity. People of all body types can experience this type of insecurity.

How to improve your self-esteem as a woman? ›

Try to recognise positives
  1. Celebrate your successes. No matter how small they may seem, take time to praise yourself. ...
  2. Accept compliments. ...
  3. Ask people what they like about you, if you feel comfortable. ...
  4. Write a list of things you like about yourself.

How to overcome low self-esteem and insecurities? ›

Here are some other simple techniques that may help you feel better about yourself.
  1. Recognise what you're good at. We're all good at something, whether it's cooking, singing, doing puzzles or being a friend. ...
  2. Build positive relationships. ...
  3. Be kind to yourself. ...
  4. Learn to be assertive. ...
  5. Start saying "no" ...
  6. Give yourself a challenge.

How to be a more secure person? ›

To shift from insecure to earned secure attachment, seven conditions—or “meta-conditions”—were identified:
  1. Being intentional about attachment-focused change. ...
  2. Overcoming setbacks and barriers to growth. ...
  3. Having surrogate attachment figures. ...
  4. Early “parent” figures. ...
  5. God and faith communities. ...
  6. Spouses, mentors, and friends.
Jun 28, 2022

What triggers my insecurity? ›

Even people who are ordinarily confident may develop feelings of insecurity because someone made them doubt themselves. Jamea says this is common in cases of getting made fun of or being bullied—whether as a child or adult—or because of rejection, like after a breakup or not being included in an activity with friends.

What is the root of insecurity? ›

Low self-confidence, or insecurity, involves feeling inadequate or not good enough. Everyone experiences it from time to time, but it usually doesn't last forever. Insecurity can stem from a variety of factors. These include: childhood experiences, comparison to others, trauma, uncertainty, and discrimination.

How does an insecure woman behave? ›

She Constantly Seeks Validation

But when it becomes excessive, it can be cause for concern. Insecure women might ask for a steady stream of reassurance, whether regarding looks, their actions, or your love. This might come from a lack of confidence or not feeling good enough.

What does God say about insecurity? ›

We can conquer insecurity the same way we do any temptation of the flesh. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God will not allow us to “be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

How to love an insecure woman? ›

How to Navigate a Relationship with an Insecure Partner
  1. Be supportive. Let them know that you are there for them. ...
  2. Express your feelings to them. At the same time, it is important that you don't support them at the risk of your own needs. ...
  3. Compliment them. ...
  4. Ask them what they need.
Nov 13, 2017

What does "insecure" mean for a girl? ›

Insecurity is a common feeling, often prompted by emotions like sadness, loneliness, jealousy, envy, or self-loathing. Whether you feel like your career is going nowhere, don't believe your partner loves you, struggle to act confidently, or have difficulty believing your worth, insecurity may influence you.

What is the biggest insecurity in love? ›

“The most common insecurities people experience in relationships is the feeling of whether or not they're enough for the other person,” explains Lena Suarez-Angelino, a therapist at Choosing Therapy.

What are some emotional insecurities? ›

Emotional insecurity

An insecure person lacks confidence in their own value, and one or more of their capabilities, lacks trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary, and will let them down and bring about loss or distress by "going wrong" in the future.

What are general insecurities? ›

Not all forms fit neatly into categories either, but some of the most common types of insecurity include relationship insecurity, social insecurity, body image insecurity, job insecurity, and insecurity of basic needs.

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