The difference between the four gospels (2024)

Rev. Dave Rogers

The Bible is full of what appear to be tremendous contradictions. One only need to read the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to clearly see that their individual accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ are, in many cases, irreconcilable. Understandably, this has caused many critics of Christianity to mock the contradictions as evidence of an irrational faith. In defense of the Christian faith, many others have gone to great lengths to harmonize the stories of the Gospels and force them into some non-contradictory, and indefensible, narrative. However, both extreme approaches to the four Gospels miss the real point behind their writing and existence in the Bible.

Matthew is the most Jewish of the Gospels. It seeks to tell the story of Jesus Christ to a distinctively Jewish audience. Matthew’s purpose in writing the Gospel is convince devote and dedicated First Century Palestinian Jews that Jesus is the promised Messiah of God.

Mark’s Gospel is written more as a sermon that serves as a motivational call to action and conversion that appeals to common Greeks. Unlike the other three Gospels, Mark is not concerned with details, but centers on one’s personal choice to act. Ultimately, Mark concludes with an implicit call to action. This Gospel tells a powerful story with a challenge that essentially asks believers what they will do with what they now know.

Luke is a sophisticated account of the life of Jesus that is intended to appeal to educated Greeks that were a whole generation removed from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and who are no longer interested in mythical stories from the past but want a conclusive argument in support of the validity of the historical figure of Jesus Christ.

Finally, John’s Gospel is wholly different in many ways. It is not presented to convert people to Christianity from other religious traditions, but is written to devoted, committed Christians in the Church that John founded and led. As these Christians struggled to understand the challenges of faith and fidelity to Jesus Christ in a world that they saw as increasingly hostile to their beliefs, John writes to encourage the believers in the validity of their decision to believe in Christ.

One way of understanding the great differences in the Gospels is to look at them through the modern lens of marketing. If a person or company had a product that they needed to sell, the first thing they would do is develop a marketing campaign that would focus on, and tailor to, the specific audience they hoped to reach. For example, nobody would use the same advertising and marketing message to sell to middle-aged married women that they would use to sell a product to twenty-something single men. The intelligent marketer would craft the message in ways that explicitly communicate to the desired audience.

The four Gospel writers were no different. They had a story to tell and a message to share, but they also had a definitive audience to which that message was intended. John’s message of fidelity in the midst of Jewish persecution would never work if preached to a community of Jews needing to know if Jesus was truly the Jewish Messiah promised in Scripture. Mark’s dramatic, action-packed adventures of Jesus would have had little appeal to the rationalistic scrutiny of Luke’s Greek audience. Therefore, each Gospel writer essentially marketed God’s good news of Jesus Christ as necessary in order to most effectively convey the message. Far from contradictory or in need of harmony, the diversity in the Gospels is really nothing more than God reaching out to diverse people with the message of unconditional love.

The difference between the four gospels (2024)
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