Recommended Practices to Detect Unauthorized Access on Company Networks | JD Supra (2024)

The cyber threat landscape is continually evolving. Cybercriminals are using new and sophisticated methods to gain unauthorized access to networks and steal sensitive information. Cybercriminals often remain hidden on a network and perform nefarious activities, and even use anti-forensic techniques1 to hide their footprints.

One of the key findings of the 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study2conducted by the Ponemon Institute and sponsored by IBM Security revealed that the mean time to identify a data breach was 197 days and the mean time to contain the breach was 69 days. The study also showed that the faster the data breach can be identified, the lower the cost to organizations in rectifying the damage.

Establishing robust security measures and developing ongoing monitoring and compliance programs can be daunting for many companies, and notwithstanding even the best efforts, security incidents can occur. Companies should consider key security measures, as outlined below, as they plan for organizational preparedness.

Common attack vectors

Hackers and malicious software can find their way into your internal network in a number of ways, from web-based exploits (e.g., SQL injection, cross-site scripting) to phishing attacks to insider threats, or through insecure vendor remote access. Hackers will discover vulnerabilities and exploit them to gain elevated privileges on your systems that store sensitive data. The most common initial attack vectors or entry points into networks include:

  • Unpatched system and default configurations
  • Poorly coded or unsanitized web applications
  • Poor network segmentation
  • Insecure vendor remote access
  • Lack of email and web browser protections

Once inside the network, hackers will elevate their privileges by taking advantage of existing vulnerabilities on the internal network. For example, they may leverage vulnerabilities, such as excessive permissions and lack of access controls on the network (e.g., no segmentation); deploy malicious software using ports and services running on systems; or compromise administrative credentials.3Without robust incident response procedures, coupled with visibility into your assets, these unauthorized activities will go unnoticed indefinitely or until law enforcement comes knocking on your door.

What organizations can do

Because of the complex and dynamic environment within our networks, there is no absolute security control to prevent an attack from occurring. But organizations can and should consider implementing a layered approach to their security controls to make it relatively more difficult for hackers to carry out their malicious activity.

Every company should assess their systems and implement individualized security protocols. Every data incident is different, and a company’s response should be tailored to the unique situation. Notwithstanding, below are some suggested enhancements to data security.

1. Consider implementing a solution to identify assets and resources to protect networks, including where sensitive data is being stored, processed and transmitted. Seek to ensure the solution has the ability to identify assets and resources in real time. Protect stored data by rendering the data unreadable or use encryption with strong key management procedures.

2. Consider implementing network segmentation and limit network traffic from the nonsensitive network, including the Internet.

3. Consider implementing a configuration standard, which includes vulnerability management, patch management, malware defenses, strong access controls, removal of excessive permissions, protection of highly privileged accounts, and encryption with robust key management procedures.

4. Consider protecting your external perimeter by identifying your network boundaries, scanning for unauthorized communications/traffic, and collecting and reviewing net flow traffic.

5. Consider implementing a backup recovery process and business continuity program.

6. Consider enabling, protecting and centralizing logs. Utilize a security information event management (SIEM) solution for event correlation and analysis. Fine-tune the SIEM to limit false positives.

7. Consider performing due diligence on third parties that have access to sensitive data or remote access to your network. Require the use of multifactor authentication.

8. Consider implementing secure coding techniques based on industry standards and perform periodic vulnerability scans, penetration tests and source code reviews to identify potential exploits to your systems and applications.

9. Employ knowledgeable staff and trusted external expertise to monitor your network and logs on a 24-hour basis, including staff who can perform forensic computer investigations. Develop incident escalation procedures in the event of a suspected or confirmed data incident and test them periodically.

10. Consider implementing a security awareness and training program.

These recommendations are not intended to be an exhaustive source for mitigating the risks of a data incident. Performing a comprehensive risk assessment4 is recommended to seek to identify gaps within your organization’s security protocols. Furthermore, some organizations may want to consider repeating the assessment at least annually in order to respond to the changing nature of today’s network environment.

Why it matters

The increase in cyber threats coupled with the level of sophistication used by cybercriminals is a huge concern for companies operating in a global environment. Data security incidents are ubiquitous, and it’s no longer a matter of if an incident will occur, but when. Data incidents are not only disruptive and costly for organizations; they also affect customer trust, impact the company’s reputation and create the potential for regulatory enforcement and litigation. Organizations should review their environment from a data security perspective. Performing a risk assessment is a great start to identifying any gaps and remediating them before your company is targeted by opportunistic hackers. Ultimately, organizations should prepare for a data security incident and implement proper procedures to quickly identify the attack, eradicate the hackers and recover their systems in a secure fashion.

1 Anti-forensic techniques are methods used to conceal or destroy information to avoid detection and access. Examples of anti-forensic techniques include encryption of data and network traffic, manipulation or deletion of logs and time stamps, overwriting metadata, and using stenography.

2 The study included interviews with more than 2,200 IT, data protection and compliance professionals from 477 companies that experienced a data breach.

3 Administrative credentials run at high-privilege mode and can execute anything on a system, domain or network they have access to. Administrators can be local users or domain administrators.

4 Manatt recommends performing an assessment based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework or Center for Internet Security.

Recommended Practices to Detect Unauthorized Access on Company Networks | JD Supra (2024)


What are the three common methods used to protect information from unauthorized access? ›

Seven techniques to prevent unauthorized network access
  • Require strong passwords. ...
  • Set up multi-factor authentication. ...
  • Secure your physical infrastructure. ...
  • Monitor and secure your network. ...
  • Update and patch software ASAP. ...
  • Implement least privilege and zero-trust.

What identifies an unauthorized network connection? ›

Identify unauthorized network access by utilizing intrusion detection systems, implementing strong authentication (MFA), employing network monitoring tools, and deploying firewalls.

What strategies can be used to prevent unauthorized intrusion? ›

5 Best Practices to Prevent Unauthorized Access
  • Strong Password Policy. ...
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA) and Multifactor Authentication. ...
  • Physical Security Practices. ...
  • Monitoring User Activity. ...
  • Endpoint Security.

Which of the following is a method of protecting data from unauthorized access? ›


Encryption is a fundamental component for protecting personal data. It involves converting sensitive information into a coded form, making it unreadable to anyone without the proper decryption key. Only the authorized user, who possesses the decryption key, is able to decode and view the information.

What are the 6 core types of unauthorized access? ›

Know and Prevent the 6 Types of Unauthorized Access
  • Tailgating. ...
  • Collusion. ...
  • Pushing, Crawling Under or Climbing Over. ...
  • Passbacks. ...
  • Fraudulent Use of Cards. ...
  • Door Propping.
Feb 19, 2019

Which tool is used for detecting and preventing unauthorized network access attempts? ›

A firewall is a network security device that prevents unauthorized access to a network. It inspects incoming and outgoing traffic using a set of security rules to identify and block threats.

What are examples of unauthorized access and use of a computer or network? ›

Obtaining, using, or attempting to use someone else's password. Viewing, copying, transferring, modifying or making public the files, printouts or computer processes of another user unless you have their oral or written permission. Modifying system files.

What is unauthorized access in network security? ›

Unauthorized Access is when a person who does not have permission to connect to or use a system gains entry in a manner unintended by the system owner. The popular term for this is “hacking”.

What are the common types of unauthorized access and security concerns for a wireless network? ›

5 Wireless network security threats you should be aware of
  • Extremely slow Wi-Fi.
  • A surge in phishing emails or fake antivirus messages.
  • Unknown devices connecting to your router.
  • Unauthorized software installations.
  • An unexpected Wi-Fi password change.
  • Your router suddenly requiring a password.

How do I prevent unauthorized devices on my network? ›

Require Two-Factor Authentication

Users must provide two different authentication factors when attempting to log in, usually a username and password or a PIN. 2FA helps prevent unauthorized devices from connecting to corporate networks and blocks malicious actors from accessing sensitive data.

What is typically used to prevent unauthorized access to a private network? ›

A firewall is a device that has a network protection application installed to safeguard the network from intentional or unintentional intrusion. A firewall sits at the junction point or gateway between the two networks, usually a private network and a public network such as the Internet.

What are three examples related to unauthorized access? ›

Asking to “borrow” or taking another employee's badge. Trying to “piggyback” by following another individual through access doors. Logging on to a computer using a co-worker's password or credentials.

What are 5 ways to secure data? ›

Here are some practical steps you and your staff can take to improve your data security.
  • Back up your data. ...
  • Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. ...
  • Be aware of your surroundings. ...
  • Be wary of suspicious emails. ...
  • Install anti-virus and malware protection. ...
  • Protect your device when it's unattended.
Apr 19, 2023

What are the three examples related to unauthorized access? ›

Asking to “borrow” or taking another employee's badge. Trying to “piggyback” by following another individual through access doors. Logging on to a computer using a co-worker's password or credentials.

What are the three methods of file security? ›

CONTENT: (a) Methods of file security: (i) Use of backups (ii) Use of anti-virus (iii) Passwording (iv) Proper label of stored devices, etc.

What are the three access control policies? ›

Three main access control models are in use today: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Discretionary Access Control (DAC), and Mandatory Access Control (MAC).

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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