ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (2025)

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  • 8 minutes to read

Calculates values and performs actions for all the records in a table.


The ForAll function evaluates a formula for all the records in a table. The formula can calculate a value and/or perform actions, such as modifying data or working with a connection. Use the With function to evaluate the formula for a single record.

Use the Sequence function with the ForAll function to iterate based on a count.

Fields of the record currently being processed are available within the formula. Use the ThisRecord operator or simply reference fields by name as you would any other value. The As operator can also be used to name the record being processed which can help make your formula easier to understand and make nested records accessible. For more information, see the examples below and working with record scope.

Return value

The result of each formula evaluation is returned in a table, in the same order as the input table.

If the result of the formula is a single value, the resulting table will be a single-column table. If the result of the formula is a record, the resulting table contains records with the same columns as the result record.

If the result of the formula is a blank value, then there is no record in the result table for that input record. In this case, there will be fewer records in the result table than the source table.

Taking action

The formula can include functions that take action, such as modifying the records of a data source with the Patch and Collect functions. The formula can also call methods on connections. Multiple actions can be performed per record by using the ; operator. You can't modify the table that is the subject of the ForAll function.

When writing your formula, keep in mind that records can be processed in any order and, when possible, in parallel. The first record of the table may be processed after the last record.

Take care to avoid ordering dependencies. For this reason, you can't use the UpdateContext, Clear, and ClearCollect functions within a ForAll function because they could easily be used to hold variables that would be susceptible to this effect. You can use Collect, but the order in which records are added is undefined.

Several functions that modify data sources, including Collect, Remove, and Update, return the changed data source as their return value. These return values can be large and consume significant resources if returned for every record of the ForAll table. You may also find that these return values are not what you expect because ForAll can operate in parallel and may separate the side effects of these functions from obtaining their result. If the return value from ForAll is not used, which is often the case with data modification functions, then the return value will not be created and there are no resource or order concerns. But if you are using the result of a ForAll and one of the functions that returns a data source, think carefully about how you structure the result and try it out first on small data sets.


Many functions in Power Apps can process more than one value at a time through the use of a single-column table. For example, the Len function can process a table of text values, returning a table of lengths, in the same manner, that ForAll could. This can eliminate the need to use ForAll in many cases, can be more efficient, and is easier to read.

Another consideration is that ForAll is not delegable while other functions may be, such as Filter.


When used with a data source, this function can't be delegated. Only the first portion of the data source will be retrieved and then the function applied. The result may not represent the complete story. A warning may appear at authoring time to remind you of this limitation and to suggest switching to delegable alternatives where possible. For more information, see the delegation overview.


ForAll(Table, Formula)

  • Table - Required. Table to be acted upon.
  • Formula - Required. The formula to evaluate for all records of the Table.



The following examples use the Squares data source:

ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (1)

To create this data source as a collection, set the OnSelect property of a Button control to this formula, open Preview mode, and then select the button:

ClearCollect( Squares, [ "1", "4", "9" ] )

ForAll(Squares, Sqrt(Value))


For all the records of the input table, calculates the square root of the Value column. The Sqrt function can also be used with a single-column table, making it possible perform this example without using ForAll.ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (2)
ForAll(Squares, Power(Value,3))For all the records of the input table, raises the Value column to the third power. The Power function does not support single-column tables. Therefore, ForAll must be used in this case.ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (3)

Using a connection

The following examples use the Expressions data source:

ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (4)

To create this data source as a collection, set the OnSelect property of a Button control to this formula, open Preview mode, and then select the button:

ClearCollect( Expressions, [ "Hello", "Good morning", "Thank you", "Goodbye" ] )

This example also uses a Microsoft Translator connection. To add this connection to your app, see the article about how to manage connections.

ForAll(Expressions, MicrosoftTranslator.Translate( Value, "es"))For all the records in the Expressions table, translate the contents of the Value column into Spanish (abbreviated "es").ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (5)
ForAll(Expressions, MicrosoftTranslator.Translate( Value, "fr"))For all the records in the Expressions table, translate the contents of the Value column into French (abbreviated "fr").ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (6)

Copying a table

Sometimes you need to filter, shape, sort, and manipulate data. Power Apps provides many functions for doing this, such as Filter, AddColumns, and Sort. Power Apps treat each table as a value, allowing it to flow through formulas and be consumed easily.

And sometimes you want to make a copy of this result for later use, or you want to move information from one data source to another. Power Apps provides the Collect function to copy data.

But before you make that copy, think carefully if it is needed. Many situations can be addressed by filtering and shaping the underlying data source on-demand with a formula. Some of the downsides to making a copy include:

  • Two copies of the same information mean that one of them can fall out of sync.
  • Making a copy can consume much of the computer memory, network bandwidth, and/or time.
  • For most data sources, copying cannot be delegated, limiting how much data can be moved.

The following examples use the Products data source:

ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (7)

To create this data source as a collection, set the OnSelect property of a Button control to this formula, open Preview mode, and then select the button:

ClearCollect( Products, Table( { Product: "Widget", 'Quantity Requested': 6, 'Quantity Available': 3 }, { Product: "Gadget", 'Quantity Requested': 10, 'Quantity Available': 20 }, { Product: "Gizmo", 'Quantity Requested': 4, 'Quantity Available': 11 }, { Product: "Apparatus", 'Quantity Requested': 7, 'Quantity Available': 6 } ))

Our goal is to work with a derivative table that includes only the items where more has been requested than is available, and for which we need to place an order:

ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (8)

We can perform this task in a couple of different ways, all of which produce the same result, with various pros and cons.

Table shaping on demand

Don't make that copy! We can use the following formula anywhere we need:

// Table shaping on demand, no need for a copy of the resultShowColumns( AddColumns( Filter( Products, 'Quantity Requested' > 'Quantity Available' ), "Quantity To Order", 'Quantity Requested' - 'Quantity Available' ), "Product", "Quantity To Order")

A record scope is created by the Filter and AddColumns functions to perform the comparison and subtraction operations, respectively, with the 'Quantity Requested' and 'Quantity Available' fields of each record.

In this example, the Filter function can be delegated. This is important, as it can find all the products that meet the criteria, even if that is only a few records out of a table of millions. At this time, ShowColumns and AddColumns cannot be delegated, so the actual number of products that need to be ordered will be limited. If you know the size of this result will always be relatively small, this approach is fine.

And because we didn't make a copy, there is no additional copy of the information to manage or fall out of date.

ForAll on demand

Another approach is to use the ForAll function to replace the table-shaping functions:

ForAll( Products, If( 'Quantity Requested' > 'Quantity Available', { Product: Product, 'Quantity To Order': 'Quantity Requested' - 'Quantity Available' } ))

This formula may be simpler for some people to read and write.

No part of the ForAll is delegable. Only the first portion of the Products table will be evaluated, which could be a problem if this table is large. Because Filter could be delegated in the previous example, it could work better with large data sets.

Collect the result

In some situations, a copy of data may be required. You may need to move information from one data source to another. In this example, orders are placed through a NewOrder table on a vendor's system. For high-speed user interactions, you may want to cache a local copy of a table so that there is no server latency.

We use the same table shaping as the previous two examples, but we capture the result into a collection:

ClearCollect( NewOrder, ShowColumns( AddColumns( Filter( Products, 'Quantity Requested' > 'Quantity Available' ), "Quantity To Order", 'Quantity Requested' - 'Quantity Available' ), "Product", "Quantity To Order" ))
ClearCollect( NewOrder, ForAll( Products, If( 'Quantity Requested' > 'Quantity Available', { Product: Product, 'Quantity To Order': 'Quantity Requested' - 'Quantity Available' } ) ))

ClearCollect and Collect can't be delegated. As a result, the amount of data that can be moved in this manner is limited.

Collect within ForAll

Finally, we can perform the Collect directly within the ForAll:

Clear( ProductsToOrder );ForAll( Products, If( 'Quantity Requested' > 'Quantity Available', Collect( NewOrder, { Product: Product, 'Quantity To Order': 'Quantity Requested' - 'Quantity Available' } ) ))

Again, the ForAll function can't be delegated at this time. If our Products table is large, ForAll will look at the first set of records only and we may miss some products that need to be ordered. But for tables that we know will remain small, this approach is fine.

Note that we are not capturing the result of the ForAll. The Collect function calls made from within it will return the NewOrder data source for all the records, which could add up to numerous data if we were capturing it.

Map table in a component

See Map tables.

ForAll function in Power Apps - Power Platform (2025)


What is the use of ForAll function in Power Apps? ›

The ForAll function evaluates a formula for all the records in a table. The formula can calculate a value and/or perform actions, such as modifying data or working with a connection. Use the With function to evaluate the formula for a single record.

What is the ForAll limit in Power Apps? ›

Collect Data In Chunks With For All Loops

A ForAll function can be used to collect several sets of rows from a datasource that match a list of supplied values. The only limitation is each individual set cannot exceed 2,000 rows.

What is the purpose of the gallery control? ›

A Gallery control can show multiple records from a data source, and each record can contain multiple types of data. For example, use a Gallery control to show multiple contacts with each item showing contact information that includes a name, an address, and a phone number for each contact.

What is the difference between for and forall? ›

FOR is an actual loop which will go through records one by one and do some processing. FORALL is NOT an actual loop, it's just a notation for a bulk DML operation. It will NOT go through rows one by one. For example, you can do some row processing in a FOR loop, but you won't be able to do it in FORALL.

What is the syntax for forall? ›


It is similar to that of FOR loop statement except in FOR loop things happen at the record-level whereas in FORALL there is no LOOP concept. Instead the entire data present in the given range is processed at the same time. Syntax: FORALL <loop_variable>in<lower range> ..

How do I get more than 5000 rows from a SharePoint list into a Powerapp? ›

If you genuinely need to process more than 5000 items at a time, you'd want to call the SharePoint batch API to speed things up and even then need to create a loop with the do until action as a batch call can't have more than 1000 operations.

How many rows can PowerApps handle? ›

You may set the values for the data row limit from 1 to 2000. We do not allow values above 2000 may because a higher value is very likely to adversely impact system performance. Values close to the 2000 limit may also adversely affect performance. Test your system to find the optimal value for your application.

How much data can PowerApps store? ›

On a PowerApps per-user plan, you will typically receive 10 GB of database capacity, 20 GB of file capacity, and 2 GB of log capacity. Then, each additional user added to your subscription will come with extra Dataverse storage capacity.

How many types of gallery are there in PowerApps? ›

Gallery controls allow you to use three different types of layout within your app: Vertical: Each row of data is displayed vertically down the canvas. Horizontal: Each row of data is displayed horizontally across the canvas. Flexible height: Each row of data is displayed vertically down the page.

What are the benefits of gallery? ›

17 Reasons Going To Art Galleries Will Improve Your Memory
  • Art Inspires Your Visual Imagination. ...
  • Art Depicts Words Used In Visual Ways. ...
  • Art Helps You Make Mental Connections. ...
  • Visiting Art Galleries Makes. ...
  • Art Galleries Are Depositories Of History. ...
  • Art Galleries Exercise Your Ability To Create Meaning.
Feb 7, 2022

What is the difference between gallery and data table in PowerApps? ›

Their definitions per Microsoft Docs are: A gallery is a control that contains other controls and shows a set of data. A data table shows a set of data in a tabular format.

How do I sort items in Gallery in PowerApps? ›

Sort and filter items in the gallery
  1. Select any item in the gallery except the first one.
  2. The Items property is currently set to Inventory (the name of your collection). Change it to the following: Sort(Inventory, ProductName) When you do this, the items in the gallery are sorted by the product name in ascending order:
Dec 15, 2022

How do I select multiple items in gallery PowerApps? ›

  1. Step 1: Add a gallery to the screen and add the Items property as per your use case. Items property reflects the options that will be available to select.
  2. Step 2: Configure the OnSelect property of the gallery control. ...
  3. Step 3: Set the Design based on selection. ...
  4. Step 4: Visualize selected data on screen.
Jun 3, 2020

How do I add more fields to gallery in PowerApps? ›

You do this by selecting the gallery (either on the canvas or from the left menu) and then clicking "Edit" - see below screen shot. From here you can add fields. If you want to display these fields in your result/gallery you mark the first item in the gallery and click "Insert" on the top ribbon and select "Label".

What is the difference between bulk collect and forall? ›

BULK COLLECT: These are SELECT statements that retrieve multiple rows with a single fetch, thereby improving the speed of data retrieval. FORALL: These are INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations that use collections to change multiple rows of data very quickly.

What is the difference between ForEach and Forin? ›

For Loops executes a block of code until an expression returns false while ForEach loop executed a block of code through the items in object collections. For loop can execute with object collections or without any object collections while ForEach loop can execute with object collections only.

Which is better cursor for loop or bulk collect? ›

Explicit BULK COLLECTs may run a little faster than cursor for loops optimized to return 100 rows with each fetch. BULK COLLECT improves performance of queries that retrieve more than one row. Use the LIMIT clause to avoid excessive PGA memory consumption.

What can be present in the body of a forall? ›

What can be present in the body of a FORALL statement?
  • One or more DML statements.
  • A single DML statement.
  • A single SELECT or DML statement.
  • One or more SELECT statement.
Oct 1, 2019

How do you collect statistics from a table? ›

When a column specified for ANALYZE_STATISTICS is first in a projection's sort order, the function reads all data from disk to avoid a biased sample.
  1. Collecting Table Statistics.
  2. Analyze All Database Tables.
  3. Analyze a Single Table.
  4. Analyze Table Columns.
  5. Data Collection Percentage.
  6. Sampling Size.

What does order by 1 means? ›

ORDER BY 1 means order by 1st column of the result set.

How do I overcome Power Apps 2000 limit? ›

4) Collecting records in PowerApps

But how do we collect more than 2000 records in a single collection? The answer is you need to collect data in different collections and than merge all your collections into a single collection. );

How do I overcome the 500 item limit in Power Apps? ›

In PowerApps every data source (SharePoint, Dataverse, OneDrive) is under limitation of 500 items.
Limit? What limit?
  1. Increase the total limit items you can fetch.
  2. Use static data.
  3. OneDrive for Business connector specifics.
  4. Use delegation.
  5. Use delegation + iterative function.
  6. Combine PowerApps with Flow.

How do you handle large datasets in Power Apps? ›

To handle large dataset(in millions) in PowerApps ...
For best performance:
  1. Use delegable operators when searching or displaying data in gallery controls.
  2. If you want to join multiple tables, create SQL Server views rather than build formula in Power Apps that calls multiple Lookups.
Mar 2, 2022

How do you get more than 5000 records in Power Automate? ›

Using Power Automate, We can retrieve more than 5000 records using Paging Cookie and More Records Flag. In this example, this flow runs three times, and the total count is 10139 records.

How can I improve my PowerApps performance? ›

The more controls you add, the more generation time Power Apps needs. You can, in some cases, achieve the same result and have the app start faster if you use a gallery instead of individual controls. In addition, you might want to reduce the number of control types on the same screen.

Can two people work on PowerApps at the same time? ›

Multiple developers can now work on a single Power Apps at once. Let's test the feature to ensure it is working. Ask the developer you shared the app with to open it in Power Apps Studio while we are logged-in. The 2nd developer will be prompted to sign into the Azure Dev Ops repository with a username and password.

What is the disadvantage of PowerApps? ›

We can run multiple instances of the app in play mode, however, in Edit mode only one instance would be allowed. You can't publish into Win Store, Apps Store, and Google Play.

How many rows of data can Dataverse handle? ›

With Dataverse for Teams, there is a limit in storage capacity (1 million rows or 2 GB). If you think you will need to manage more data than this, then you should consider Dataverse.

Can you put a form in a gallery PowerApps? ›

Yes you can and easily, no need to use forms.

What are the two types of PowerApps? ›

There are two main types of Power Apps: Canvas apps and Model-driven apps. Previously, Power Apps Portals would have fallen under this category. Microsoft have since released Power Pages, a standalone product that has evolved from the functionality of Power Apps Portals.

Why is a gallery walk Important? ›

The reasoning behind a gallery walk is to allow students who really like to make observations and are good at making observations, but might be a little hesitant to raise their hand in class, to allow them the space and time to write down their observations about pictures around the room.

What is a good gallery? ›

Good Gallery is a website building tool for professional photographers. We're best known for speed, simplicity, and SEO. But we also offer hundreds of other innovative features.

Is gallery representation important? ›

* Having galleries represent or exhibit your art gives you more credibility than you representing yourself. Gallery representation is like a seal of approval or a branding of sorts, and an indication that they consider your art good enough to publicize, exhibit, and present to the world.

How many apps can use the same Dataverse table? ›

Yes, you can use the same table on as many apps you need. Each app need a connection to this table.

Is Dataverse and common data service same? ›

Common Data Service (CDS) — the data storage system that intensifies Dynamics 365 and Power Platform — has changed its name to Dataverse, part of a bigger rebrand at Microsoft. Dataverse does the same thing as CDS — but with a different name.

Is Dataverse better than SharePoint list? ›

If you're a small organisation who is just starting out with Power Apps and don't really expect to have a lot of data, then SharePoint Lists might be a good starting point. For bigger projects, solutions and applications you expect to scale, then Dataverse would be the better route to take.

What are galleries in Power Apps? ›

Description. A Gallery control can show multiple records from a data source, and each record can contain multiple types of data. For example, use a Gallery control to show multiple contacts with each item showing contact information that includes a name, an address, and a phone number for each contact.

How do I filter a gallery using dropdown Power Apps? ›

Distinct Filter
  1. To add your filter, click 'Input' then 'Drop-down'.
  2. In Properties use 'Department' to show all the Department data. When adding the item's property for your gallery you're going to do a filter. So, for example, if you want to run a filter of employees by Department. Type in:
May 21, 2021

How do you rearrange fields in Power Apps? ›

Move columns on a form using drag and drop

In the form preview, select the column that you want to move and drag and drop it. As you drag the column on the form preview, you'll see drop targets where you can move the column to. Note the following: Columns can be dropped before or after any existing column or component.

How can I add more than 2000 items in Power Apps? ›

Go back to Power Apps Studio and choose the Load Car Inventory flow to connect it to the app. Create a new button with the text “Import Data”… …and use this code in the OnSelect property. Press the button in play mode and it will collect all 3,000 rows from Dataverse even though the delegation limit is only 2,000 rows.

How do I connect two lists in Power Apps? ›

How do you connect the two Sharepoint Lists to the PowerApp? Go to the 'Data" menu on the left-navigation menu. Search for SharePoint. Then click on the SharePoint site and lists you want to connect to.

How do I move data from one screen to another in Power Apps? ›

Pass value to a different screen
  1. On the gallery screen, select the arrow button and make sure that the drop-down at the top is set to OnSelect. Gallery Arrow OnSelect.
  2. Write the code, ...
  3. Go to the target screen. ...
  4. Select Item from the top drop-down and write the following code. ...
  5. That's it!
Aug 28, 2018

How do I use more fields to add a new field? ›

Add a field by using a field template
  1. On the Home tab, in the Views group, click View, and then click Datasheet View.
  2. On the Fields tab, in the Add & Delete group, click More Fields.
  3. Select a field in the More Fields list to insert the new column.

How do I add a field to a PowerApps form? ›

On the Properties tab of the right-hand pane, select Edit fields. In the Fields pane, select Add field, select the check box for each field, and then select Add. Select the ellipsis (...) next to Add field, select Collapse all, and then drag Name to the top of the list.

How do I patch multiple records in PowerApps? ›

Use an extra label within the gallery
  1. Create an extra label within the gallery template. Bind it to the Id column. Rename the label to IdText.
  2. Remove the code on the OnCheck of the checkbox control mentioned above.
  3. Write the following formula on the OnSelect event of the Done Button: Power Apps Copy.
Dec 15, 2022

How do you use the lookup function in PowerApps? ›

Start by typing Lookup and you'll see that it's a valid function in the list. And the first thing in the parameter after opening the bracket is the source. As you can see, suggestions are also seen in the list below. Here, you have the select the Table / Entity from which you want to fetch the record.

How do you split a string in PowerApps? ›

Different delimiters

Splits the words apart, using a comma as the separator. The second result starts with a space since this was the character immediately following the comma. Splits the string apart, using the character "o" as the separator. Splits the string apart, using the single character "l" as the separator.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.