Conrad (2024)

Conrad (1)

All that glisters is not gold, often have you heard that told...

This article is about The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan.



Not a prob, Bob.

Conrad is one of the five main protagonists and a playable character in The Dark Pictures Anthology's first installment, Man of Medan. He is the older brother of Julia. He was voiced and motion captured by Shawn Ashmore, who also provided his likeness.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Biography
  • 4 Man of Medan
    • 4.1 Main Story
      • 4.1.1 Act 1
      • 4.1.2 Act 2
      • 4.1.3 Act 3
    • 4.2 The End
  • 5 Possible Deaths
  • 6 Killed Victims
  • 7 Relationships
    • 7.1 Fliss
    • 7.2 Julia
    • 7.3 Brad
    • 7.4 Alex
  • 8 Trivia
    • 8.1 Playability
    • 8.2 Pictures
    • 8.3 Secrets
    • 8.4 Facts
    • 8.5 Deaths
    • 8.6 Other
    • 8.7 Trophies
  • 10 Gallery
  • 11 Videos
  • 12 References
  • 13 Navigation


Conrad is a young man with a light complexion. He has clear blue eyes and short dark blond hair done in a style similar to the Ivy League cut. He also has clearly visible nasolabial folds.

During the day, Conrad wears a white short-sleeved blouse with red and yellow flowers, a bronze colored watch on his left wrist khaki shorts and light gray sneakers with white laces. Starting from Intrusion and for the rest of the game, Conrad completely changes his image, though he keeps the watch. The blouse is replaced with a navy tank top with "Salem, 1692, Massachusetts" print and khaki shorts are replaced with a bermuda shorts. Conrad also begins to walk barefoot.

During the kidnapping, the pirates severely beat Conrad, leaving him with multiple bruises and a black eye. He may also have part of his right ear cut off and his right leg shot up during the same confrontation with the pirates. On the ship, Conrad may receive another wound, a cut on his left forearm in Matters of the Heart.


Julia's brash and utterly self-absorbed older brother. Very confident and forthright, Conrad is now in a holding pattern between college and life as he figures out what to do next.
Conrad (2)

Conrad is cheerful and friendly like Julia, but unlike her, he is also relaxed and lazy. He stands out with his charisma and sociability, easily befriends new people and makes everyone happy, for which Julia calls him "little puppy".

Another notable trait of Conrad is that he is a ladies' man and a romantic. He became interested in Fliss upon their first meeting and often flirts with her, and on the ship his attention is caught by a poster of an attractive sailor girl. He also doesn't mind a drink, and according to Julia, Conrad can drink all the beer, forgetting that he was supposed to bring it to the others.

Coming from a rich family, Conrad, like a typical spoiled kid, can act irresponsibly. He literally throws money down the drain to make fun of the fishermen and offers Julia a beer despite possible decompression sickness. These actions later have bad consequences and become the catalyst for the protagonists' subsequent misadventures.

Although by day Conrad seems immature and irresponsible, the events of the night reveal a different side to him. He becomes serious and brave, unafraid to face the threat and ready to stand up for his loved ones.


Conrad was born on August 1, 1997 and came from a rich family alongside his younger sister Julia. Both were raised on the East Coast of the United States in a sheltered environment. They had a tendency to argue with each other in typical sibling fashion, though the tension never lasted long.

He was a very charismatic young man who lives for girls, alcohol and parties. Conrad was at a point in his life where he preferred to think and rest (preferably with a beer in hand) instead of going to college as his sister does.

Although people saw him as a stupid and immature boy, Conrad didn't pay attention to anyone's opinion and was content with living his rich life in the meantime.

On June 20, 2019, Conrad, along with his sister Julia, Julia's boyfriend Alex, and Alex's brother Brad went on a summer vacation to French Polynesia. With the help of Fliss, skipper of the Duke of Milan which they would stay in for the trip, Conrad was able to enjoy his trip as well as find a possible love interest. However, his trip took a turn to the sinister when three pirates ambushed the Duke and drove them to an abandoned WWII freighter. His fate would then be decided by the player's decisions, in which he would either escape or die like the former passengers of the ship.

Man of Medan[]

Chapter Appearances
Chinese MarketAbsent
The DukeDebutFinding FriendsAbsent
Uninvited GuestsAppearsPlungedAbsent
Ghost StoryAppearsGlamor GirlAppears (Possible Death)
IntrusionAppears (Possible Death)RevengeDeterminant (Possibly Dead)
StormDeterminantOpen DeckDeterminant
Abandoned ShipDeterminantDistress SignalDeterminant
TrappedDeterminantDepthsDeterminant (Possibly Dead)
An EscapeDeterminantJuniorDeterminant
CasketsDeterminantFloodedDeterminant (Possible Death)
EchoAbsentMatters of the HeartDeterminant (Possible Death)
The EndAppears (Possible Death)

Main Story[]

Act 1[]

Conrad first arrives on the Duke with Julia as he introduces himself to the Smith brothers. Afterwards, Conrad invites Brad to have a beer with him, which the latter can accept or refuse. When Conrad sees Fliss, he starts flirting with her, but falls when the Duke drives off into the ocean.

Conrad later observes images of the wreck on a dive cam. When Fliss asks the tourists to follow the protocols, Conrad can agree or dismiss. Conrad will then tell Alex and Julia that he will flirt with Fliss, much to his sister's annoyance.

While Alex and Julia are diving, Conrad offers Fliss a beer, after which he starts talking with her about her business. Conrad then relaxes on one of the seats until he, along with Fliss, sees a speedboat approaching. The speedboat collides with the buoy, causing it to be damaged, much to one of the fishermen's anger. Conrad taunts the fishermen by throwing money into the ocean, after which the latter leave begrudgingly. Conrad then wants to assist Fliss by lighting the griller, but causes a fire instead. Not long after, the couple arises and asks what was going on. Julia can show her ring to the others, much to Conrad's surprise.

At the night, Conrad will be found in the Duke's cabin, to which he will be seen flirting with Fliss again or making out with her. Conrad brings the beers outside and Fliss then scolds the couple's recklessness, to which Conrad brings up the idea of a ghost story. After the ghost story, the group goes to sleep, although Conrad wants to drink one more bottle of beer.

While sleeping, Conrad is ambushed by Junior and brought to the main room alongside Alex, Fliss, and Julia. Soon after, Conrad is brought outside, after which he is beaten by Olson. Junior then brings him back, to which he can fight back, giving him knowledge about Brad hiding. In the bedroom, Conrad suggests escaping or fighting back, after which he breaks the window with Alex and sneaks outside. If Conrad chooses to escape, he will either successfully do so or be shot in the chest. Otherwise, he will still stay aboard the Duke and be brought to the cabin below. Conrad continues to stay in the cabin until when it is flooded, to which he is forced to go outside. The Duke then arrives at the SS Ourang Medan and collides with it.

Act 2[]

Conrad boards the Ourang Medan and is forced by the pirates to walk along the hallways, eventually being trapped in a room. Finding a vent which helps them to escape, Alex proposes to kick it, after which Conrad can block the door with Fliss or distract Junior. Eventually, Conrad escapes and walks through the upper deck alongside the others, fixated on a Jenny May poster. The group arrives at an unknown hold, finding the distributor cap itself, but has to leave.

Conrad moves through the main deck along with his sister and Alex, but disappears. Trying to find Fliss, Conrad wanders around the officers' quarters, only to confront the Sailor Girl, who slowly deforms into a creepy monster. Eventually, Conrad is cornered on top of a funnel, to which he can jump off or confront the threat, finding Fliss or Brad instead. When Alex and Julia reach the end of the door, Conrad unintentionally blocks the couple's way, indirectly causing their possible death. The group runs through the weather deck and reunites at a control room.

Act 3[]

Conrad discusses with the others about the visions they saw aboard the ship, after which the group sets off to find the radio, much to their success. When the group proposes to descend down the hole, Conrad doesn't want to, stating that he's hurt.

  • Matters of the Heart

If Alex went down, after hearing the gunshots, Conrad will decide to go down to search for the others. Eventually Conrad reaches Cargo Hold 2, where he will fight Olson and can secure the distributor cap. Depend on decisions made and whoever opened the bulkhead door, Conrad may survive the encounter, die by being split in half, being choked by Olson, or electrocution. If Conrad survives, he returns to the others, optionally with the distributor cap.

If Alex is left at the radio room, Conrad may follow Alex down into the lower deck. When they reunite, Conrad is attacked by Alex due to hallucinations. Conrad will be stabbed to death or Alex will regain consciousness, surviving the confrontation. Whoever survives leaves, possibly with the distributor cap.

The End[]

At dawn, Conrad and any other surviving protagonists gather on the weather deck. His further fate depends on the player's decisions:

  • If Conrad didn't escape on the speedboat and the distributor cap was taken, he will leave the ship on the Duke.
  • If Conrad didn't escape on the speedboat and the distributor cap was destroyed, Conrad will either remain on the ship or try to escape on the inactive Duke.
    • If the military was called, they will fly over and arrest Conrad.
      • If the military was told the name of the ship, they will shoot Conrad.
  • If Conrad escaped on the speedboat, but the distributor cap was taken or all of the remaining protagonists are dead, Conrad will board the SS Ourang Medan to search for the others, only to be scared by the hallucinations within the ship.
  • If Conrad escaped on the speedboat, but the distributor cap was destroyed, he will save the other protagonists and even Junior.
  • If Conrad died, his body will be shown where and how he died.
    • If Conrad was shot in the chest while escaping the speedboat, he will be shown lying on the inactive speedboat as his left eye is being eaten by a seagull.

If Conrad survived, he will celebrate his survival with a bottle of beer.

Possible Deaths[]

Possible Deaths
ChapterMechanism of KillCaused byConditions
IntrusionShot in the chestOlsonConrad chooses to escape in the speedboat; Conrad completes the first three QTEs and fails the fourth QTE.
Glamor GirlImpaled on broken pipeFliss (Indirect)Conrad chooses to hide from the Sailor Girl; Conrad fails the Keep Calm! segment; Alex did not give Conrad the knife.
Brad (Indirect)
Head smashed against beamHimself (Accidental)Conrad fails the third and fourth QTEs while crossing the beams.
Fall from high placeHimself (Accidental)Conrad fails QTEs while climbing the ladder.
HimselfConrad chooses to jump from the funnel; Fliss/Brad fail to catch Conrad.
FloodedSplit in half by cargo doorAlexOlson opened the bulkhead door; Conrad fails QTEs to escape Olson (Theatrical Cut).
ChokedOlsonSame condition; The lever is not pulled (Curator's Cut).
ElectrocutionHimself (Voluntarily)The diving protagonist opened the bulkhead door; Conrad helps Olson; The diving protagonist doesn't help him.
Himself (Voluntarily)Same condition; Olson kills the diving protagonist; Conrad attacks Olson.
Electrocuted waterSame condition; Conrad does nothing.
Matters of the HeartStabbed multiple timesAlexAlex stabs the hallucination at least twice OR Conrad fails to convince Alex.
The EndShotSoldiersThe group gave the name of the ship to the military; the distributor cap is destroyed; Conrad did not escape on the speedboat.

Killed Victims[]

ChapterCharacterMechanism of KillCondition
Glamor GirlHimselfFall from high placeAtop the ship's funnel, Conrad completes QTEs to climb the ladder AND chooses to jump OR Brad/Fliss fails to catch Conrad.
BradThroat slitAlex gave the knife to Conrad in Caskets; Conrad chose to hide and failed Keep Calm segment; Conrad chooses to attack the Sailor Girl (Theatrical Cut).
Same condition; Brad fails to dodge Conrad's attacks (Curator's Cut).
Same condition; Atop the ship's funnel, Conrad chooses to confront the Sailor Girl and attack her (Theatrical Cut).
Same condition; Atop the ship's funnel, Brad fails to dodge Conrad's attacks (Curator's Cut).
FlissAlex gave the knife to Conrad in Caskets; Conrad chose to hide and failed Keep Calm segment; Conrad chooses to attack the Sailor Girl (Theatrical Cut).
Same condition; Fliss fails to dodge Conrad's attacks (Curator's Cut).
Same condition; Atop the ship's funnel, Conrad chooses to confront the Sailor Girl and attack her (Theatrical Cut).
Same condition; Atop the ship's funnel, Fliss fails to dodge Conrad's attacks (Curator's Cut).
FloodedOlsonAssist - ElectrocutionThe diving protagonist opened the bulkhead door; Olson kills them; Conrad attacks Olson.
Same condition; Olson doesn't kill them; Conrad attacks Olson.


Conrad's default relationships






Main article: Conrad and Fliss

Prior to the events of the game, Conrad and Fliss had never met. Upon first seeing Fliss, Conrad began to have romantic feelings for her. From that moment on, he made several attempts to flirt with her, which initially ended in failure. Left alone (Alex and Julia are exploring the wreck and Brad is resting in the cabin), Conrad makes another attempt at flirting, which Fliss can accept or reject. After that, their relationship changes significantly and Fliss will either ignore Conrad's flirting or start a romantic relationship with him.

  • Relationship Consequences

  • Fliss blames Conrad for the fire. (Theatrical Cut)
  • The Curator states that Fliss is immune to Conrad's charms.
  • When found by Brad/Julia, Conrad tries to flirt with Fliss, to which Fliss scolds him for.
  • Fliss stays silent when Conrad gets tortured.
  • If Conrad takes Junior hostage, Fliss will sarcastically tell him it's amateur hour.
  • If Conrad sarcastically says they're in an abandoned ship, Fliss sarcastically agrees.
  • After being rescued at the funnels, Conrad and Fliss argue.
  • If Conrad escaped and the distributor cap was destroyed, Fliss will dismiss Conrad when he tries to hug her.
  • Conrad prefers to stay with Alex if the group is stranded.
  • Fliss reassures Julia that the fire was an accident and doesn't mention Conrad. (Theatrical Cut)
  • The Curator states that detects a spark between Fliss and Conrad.
  • When found by Brad/Julia, the two start kissing each other.
  • Fliss begs Olson to spare Conrad when he is tortured.
  • If Conrad takes Junior hostage, Fliss will politely try to dissuade him from being aggressive.
  • Conrad intercepts when Fliss is taken away.
  • If Conrad sarcastically says they're on an abandoned ship, Fliss will say nothing.
  • After being rescued at the funnels, the two begin kissing.
  • If Conrad escaped and the distributor cap was destroyed, Fliss will hug Conrad.
  • Conrad prefers to join Fliss on the inactive duke if the group is stranded.


Julia is Conrad's younger sister. They have a typical sibling relationship. Conrad gets along well with Julia, who has adopted his drinking and flirting habits with Fliss, but sometimes annoys her with his jokes. Despite this, he loves and cares for his sister, wishing her the very best. If Conrad learns of Julia's death, he will mourn her deeply.

  • Relationship Consequences

  • Low Relationship

  • Normal/High Relationship

  • Julia scolds Conrad when he interrupts Brad. (Curator's Cut)
  • Julia jokes when tending to Conrad's wounds.
  • Julia calls Conrad a clown if Fliss sarcastically agrees with Conrad. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Julia tells Conrad to keep it together if he disagrees with Alex's plan. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Julia tells Conrad to barricade the door. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Julia jokes with Conrad when he interrupts Brad. (Curator's Cut)
  • Julia is concerned when tending to Conrad's wounds.
  • Julia tells Fliss to give Conrad a break if Fliss sarcastically agrees with Conrad. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Julia reassures Conrad that they'll protect him if he disagrees with Alex's plan. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Julia tells Conrad to distract the pirates. (Theatrical Cut)


Prior to the events of the game, Conrad and Brad had never met. On their first meeting, Conrad decided to befriend him and invited him to have a beer while discussing Brad's diving experience. In Conrad's dialogues, despite his occasional reluctance to listen to Brad's history knowledge, they still get along, always giving him nicknames like "Ray Bradlebury", "Braddifer Brayson Leigh", "Bradical", "Professor TMI" and others. During a pirate attack, Conrad can also worry about Brad, just like Alex. Although they have almost no special interactions on the ship, if Conrad was able to escape and Brad was stuck on the ship, they would be happy to see each other again.

  • Relationship Consequences

  • Low Relationship

  • Normal/High Relationship

  • Conrad is neutral about hearing Brad's story.
  • Conrad tells Brad his story was lame.
  • Conrad is excited to hear Brad's story.
  • Conrad praises Brad for his story.


Prior to the events of the game, Conrad and Alex had never met. When they first met, they immediately became friends and sometimes had a few short dialogues. In some of them, Conrad joked about Alex and Julia. During the attack of pirates and getting on the ship, the guys stick together and work harmoniously. If Alex died, Conrad will blame himself for his death, showing that he considered him a friend. It can also be shown when Alex was killed by Olson and Conrad fought him, wanting to avenge his friend.

  • Relationship Consequences

  • Low Relationship

  • Normal/High Relationship

  • Alex kicks Junior after he attacks Conrad. (Theatrical Cut)
  • When Julia is taken away, Conrad sarcastically tells Alex that the girls will break first.
  • If the plan failed, Alex will scold Conrad for ruining the plan. (Theatrical Cut)
  • Alex doesn't kick Junior after he attacks Conrad. (Theatrical Cut)
  • When Julia is taken away, Conrad reassures Alex that the pirates won't harm Julia since they didn't harm Fliss.
  • If the plan failed, Alex will comfort Conrad and reassure him that it wasn't his fault. (Theatrical Cut)




See also: Category:Pictures found by Conrad

  • Conrad can find the second least pictures, with 5.
    • Conrad can find 2 white pictures, 2 black pictures, and 1 gold picture.
  • Only Conrad can find Plain Sailing.
  • Conrad appears in 3 pictures: Cut and Run, In the Offing, and Ship Shape.


See also: Category:Secrets found by Conrad


  • Conrad's highest base relationship status is with Julia.
  • Conrad's lowest base friendship status is with Alex, Brad and Fliss.
  • Conrad and Julia were both raised in the East Coast of United States in a privileged environment.
  • Conrad may be between 18-21 years old due to the fact that he is thinking about whether to attend college or not. He is also older than his sister Julia.


  • Conrad, along with Angela, Eric, and Erin, are the protagonists with the first chance to die in their respective games. In Conrad's case, he stars with Intrusion.
    • Coincidentally, Angela, Conrad, and Eric feature two death scenes of them in black pictures (Familiars and Like a Stone for Angela, Cut and Run and Ship Shape for Conrad, and Fallen and Tripwire for Eric) .
  • Conrad is tied with Brad and Julia for having the second most deaths (with 10) and, tied with Alex and Julia, for having the least chapters to die in (with 5).
  • Conrad is the only character who can't be shot by Junior, as if alive up to that point, he will always stay behind to man the radio.
  • If Conrad dies in Glamour Girl, his corpse can be found either in Revenge or Depths.
  • Conrad is one of many characters in the anthology who can die off-screen.
  • Conrad is one of many characters in the game, as well as in the anthology who can die from:
    • Being shot. In Conrad's case, he can be shot by Olson or the military.
    • Impalement. In Conrad's case, he can be impaled on a broken pipe.
    • Falling to their death. In Conrad's case, he can fall while climbing the ladder in the ship's funnel or from atop it.
    • Suicide. In Conrad's case, he can jump to his death stop the ship's funnel.
    • Being choked. In Conrad's case, he can be choked by Olson with a sledgehammer handle.
    • Being split in half. In Conrad's case, he can be split in half by a cargo door.
    • Electrocution. In Conrad's case, he can be electrocuted in an electrocuted flood.
    • Being stabbed. In Conrad's case, he can be stabbed multiple times by a hallucinating Alex.
  • Conrad is one of many characters in the anthology who can kill the protagonists. In Conrad's case, he can kill himself, Brad, and Fliss.


  • Conrad is the face of Man of Medan's cover.
    • As such, his model is never reused in the anthology.
  • Conrad had another clothing version of him in the very first trailer of Man of Medan. It was supposed to be wearing a maroon buttoned shirt with light colored lines in it (similar to that of flowers in his final version) and a white tank top (with black lines in the edges) instead of the navy one. The rest was pretty much the same clothes.
  • His navy tank top with the "Salem,1692, Massachusetts" written in the center of it is a reference to the second installment of the anthology, Little Hope.
  • Conrad is one of many characters in the anthology who has confirmed relatives. In Conrad's case, he has Julia as his younger sister and unnamed parents.
  • Conrad is one of many characters in the anthology who possesses romantic partners. In Conrad's case, he has Fliss as his love interest.
  • While Conrad walks with shoes in Act 1, he starts walking barefoot afterwards.
  • Conrad's name is used for Connie, a dog from The Devil in Me.
    • Ironically, if Conrad is dead and Julia survives, she describes him as a "big old puppy dog."


  • Conrad has 8 trophies associated with him:
    • He shares with the other protagonists the trophies "That's something, I suppose" and "Not a sole survivor".
    • He shares with Alex and Brad the trophy "Right there with ya, boys".
    • He shares with Alex the trophy "Break'em during the thunder".
    • He shares with Fliss the trophy "You got a better way?" and "A pint of frosty amber liquid".
    • His personal trophies are "If you're selling, I'm buying" and "Can't catch him with this old junker".


We can take care of this man. It's not a problem. What do you think? Like, uh, 10 bucks cover it? Oh, whoops, my bad. Let's make it 20. Well shoot, Y-You think it's more like 30? I can do 30. Alright, you guys drive a hard bargain but I'm with ya. Here, let's just throw the whole pot.
So... Which one is... you know... where the magic happens?
According to standard vessel regulations we're all required one more beer before hitting the hay.
Oh yeah! You know how to treat a lady right.
One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight. Eight seconds. The storm's eight miles away.
There's 472 rivets in this room which can only mean one thing: I've been here way too long.
You wanted to surprise me with the whole pirate adventure thing and I gotta say it was a good idea. No, it was. I mean, it's funny. I think it's funny but... I think the guys you hired are taking it a little too far maybe? And don't be cheap. I mean, you didn't feel like paying top dollar and that's what you get. You get these guys that are not cream of the crop, they're taking it a little too far. You know? You get my drift? So, if you wanna feel free to pull the old plug, get rid of these guys, I'm with you. I mean, these guys are f*cking crazy! They're chasing us around the ship!
I gotta find everybody, I mean something. I mean it's - Something is f*cking with me. It's f*cking with me, man. It's just - it's just f*cking with me. It's - I gotta find everybody! Whatever this is, it's just, it's just f*cking with me, okay, <Laughs> It's f*cking with me.
I saw something. This ahh, this old lady. I mean she was bat sh*t crazy, like dinosaur old. Not that that's a bad thing, but she just like, upped and vanished on me.
I guess you could say I lived my greatest nightmare. I was relentlessly stalked by a beautiful woman and all I wanted to do was run the hell away.
This place is too f*cked up to just be f*cked up.
So, um... does anybody else feel like knocking back a frosty? This guy, yeah!


Conrad (3)


Conrad (4)

The Dark Pictures- Man of Medan - PS4-Xbox1-PC - Who is Conrad? Part 1

Conrad (5)

The Dark Pictures- Man of Medan - PS4-Xbox1-PC - Who is Conrad? Part 2

Conrad (6)

Man of Medan - Conrad Unreal Engine



v · d · eMan of Medan Characters


Supporting Characters
Conrad (2024)


Who does Conrad belong to? ›

Conrad Hotels & Resorts is an international brand of luxury hotels and resorts owned and operated by the Hilton hotel chain. When the Hilton hotel chain was unable to operate under the Hilton name in Europe and Asia for legal reasons, a new brand was developed, using the first name of the chain's founder.

Where is Conrad based? ›

Conrad Electronic is a German online retailer of electronic products based in Hirschau, Bavaria, with approximately 4,000 employees in the Conrad group.

Is the Conrad a Hilton brand? ›

The Conrad brand was established in 1982 by Barron Hilton, and named after his father, Hilton's founder, Conrad Hilton, who believed that meaningful hospitality has the power to transform personal journeys and make a positive impact, now and forever.

Are Evermore and Conrad the same? ›

Conrad Orlando sits on the 1,100-acre Evermore Orlando Resort, at the border of Walt Disney World® Resort. Conrad Orlando guests have access to shared amenities including a tropical beach, a crystalline lagoon with beaches, an aquatic adventure area, and several dining options.

What is the female version of Konrad? ›

Corrado or Corradino (female: Corrada or Corradina) usually appears as the Italian version of the name Conrad or Konrad.

Who does Conrad sleep with? ›

Belly's First Time

While the pair also staged a secret visit to Cousins during Christmastime on the page, Belly and Conrad did not have sex. But in the second episode, it's revealed that the couple are intimate for the first time in front of the fireplace. "Conrad, it's only you," she tells a sleeping Conrad after.

What is Conrad famous for? ›

Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski ) was a Polish-born English novelist who today is most famous for Heart of Darkness, his fictionalized account of Colonial Africa.

Was Conrad Religious? ›

No, Joseph Conrad was not a Christian. Joseph Conrad was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition, but by his early teenage years, he had developed and would maintain a lifelong suspicion of religion.

What does "conrad" mean in English? ›

It is derived from the Proto-Germanic name Konrad, from conja meaning "bold" and rad "counsel". It was the name of a 10th-century bishop of Constance, and became popular in post-medieval English, and post-medieval French. It regained popularity in the English-speaking world in the 19th century.

Is Conrad a Marriott hotel? ›

About Conrad

The Conrad is one of Hilton's three luxury brands, along with Waldorf Astoria and LXR hotels. The brand was established in 1982 and named it Hilton's founder, Conrad Hilton. It is now known for its bold design, carefully selected amenities and purposeful service.

Is Conrad part of Hyatt? ›

Conrad Hotels & Resorts is an American multinational brand of high-end luxury hotels and high-end resorts owned and operated by Hilton Worldwide.

Who is Hilton owned by? ›

In 1987, after a corporate putsch, the renamed UAL Corp. sold Hilton International to Ladbroke Group plc, a British leisure and gambling company, which, in May 1999, adopted the name "Hilton Group plc."

Is Evermore owned by Hilton? ›

Hilton expands its luxury portfolio with the hotel, situated on the 1,100-acre Evermore Orlando Resort. This audio is auto-generated.

Is Conrad Hilton Jr related to Paris Hilton? ›

Hilton had three younger siblings: Barron, Eric, and Francesca. He is a grand-uncle of Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton. Growing up he did not take interest in the family business and he dropped out of Loyola University in Los Angeles to join the Navy.

What is the new name for Grand Cypress? ›

At Evermore Orlando Resort villas, formerly known as the Villas of Grand Cypress, escape from the ordinary and embrace a world of delightful surprises and serenity.

What group is Conrad part of? ›

Conrad Hotels & Resorts is an American multinational brand of high-end luxury hotels and high-end resorts owned and operated by Hilton Worldwide.

Who does she choose Jeremiah or Conrad? ›

Oh, Conrad! With Belly realising that she just can't trust Conrad, she decides that Jeremiah is the one for her. Later, she kisses Jeremiah, showing him that he's the one she wants to be with and the series ends with Belly and Jeremiah together.

Who does Conrad Hawkins end up with? ›

Dr. Conrad Hawkins (Matt Czuchry) got his happy ending by declaring his love for Dr. Billie Sutton (Jessica Lucas).

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