Alpha-diversity – Microbiota data analysis (2024)


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 30 min


  • What is alpha-diversity?

  • How can I calculate and plot alpha-diversity?

  • How can I test differences among treatments?


  • Define alpha-diversity and the alpha-diversity indices that we will use

  • Calculate Richness, Chao1, Evenness and Shannon

  • Visualize alpha-diversity using ggplot2 for the diffrent treatments

  • Test statistical differences among treatments

Table of Contents

  1. Definitions and important information
  2. Indices calculation
  3. Visualization
  4. Statistical analyses

1. Definitions and important information

Alpha-diversity represents diversity within an ecosystem or a sample, in other words, what is there and how much is there in term of species. However, it is not easy to define a species and we can calculate alpha-diversity at different taxonomic levels.
In this tutorial, we are looking at the OTU level (clustered at 97% similarity thresholds).

Several alpha-diversity indices can be calculated. Within the most commonly used:

  • Richness represents the number of species observed in each sample.
  • Chao1 estimates the total richness.
  • Pielou’s evenness provides information about the equity in species abundance in each sample, in other words are some species dominating others or do all species have quite the same abundances.
  • Shannon index provides information about both richness and evenness.


Alpha-diversity is calculated on the raw data, here data_otu or data_phylo if you are using phyloseq.
It is important to not use filtered data because many richness estimates are modeled on singletons and doubletons in the occurrence table. So, you need to leave them in the dataset if you want a meaningful estimate.
Moreover, we usually not using normalized data because we want to assess the diversity on the raw data and we are not comparing samples to each other but only assessing diversity within each sample.

# Load the required packageslibrary(vegan)library(phyloseq)library(tidyverse)library(patchwork)library(agricolae)library(FSA)library(rcompanion)# Run this if you don't have these objects into your R environmentdata_otu <- read.table("data_loue_16S_nonnorm.txt", header = TRUE)data_grp <- read.table("data_loue_16S_nonnorm_grp.txt", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)data_taxo <- read.table("data_loue_16S_nonnorm_taxo.txt", header = TRUE)OTU = otu_table(as.matrix(data_otu), taxa_are_rows = FALSE) SAM = sample_data(data_grp, errorIfNULL = TRUE) TAX = tax_table(as.matrix(data_taxo)) data_phylo <- phyloseq(OTU, TAX, SAM) 

2. Indices calculation

data_richness <- estimateR(data_otu) # calculate richness and Chao1 using vegan packagedata_evenness <- diversity(data_otu) / log(specnumber(data_otu)) # calculate evenness index using vegan packagedata_shannon <- diversity(data_otu, index = "shannon") # calculate Shannon index using vegan packagedata_alphadiv <- cbind(data_grp, t(data_richness), data_shannon, data_evenness) # combine all indices in one data tablerm(data_richness, data_evenness, data_shannon) # remove the unnecessary data/vector

We used here the R package vegan in order to calculate the different alpha-diversity indices.

Put the data in tidy format

data_alphadiv_tidy <- data_alphadiv %>% mutate(sample_id = rownames(data_alphadiv)) %>% gather(key = alphadiv_index, value = obs_values, -sample_id, -site, -month, -site_month)head(data_alphadiv_tidy)
 site month site_month sample_id alphadiv_index obs_values1 Cleron July Cleron_July Cleron_07_1 S.obs 11372 Cleron July Cleron_July Cleron_07_2 S.obs 12743 Cleron July Cleron_July Cleron_07_3 S.obs 16054 Cleron August Cleron_August Cleron_08_1 S.obs 15755 Cleron August Cleron_August Cleron_08_2 S.obs 13536 Cleron August Cleron_August Cleron_08_3 S.obs 1357

3. Visualization

Plot the four alpha-diversity indices for both sites.

# Remark: For this part you need the R packages `ggplot2` and `patchwork`. P1 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x=site, y=S.obs)) + geom_boxplot(fill=c("blue","red")) + labs(title= 'Richness', x= ' ', y= '', tag = "A") + geom_point()P2 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x=site, y=S.chao1)) + geom_boxplot(fill=c("blue","red")) + labs(title= 'Chao1', x= ' ', y= '', tag = "B") + geom_point()P3 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x=site, y=data_evenness)) + geom_boxplot(fill=c("blue","red")) + labs(title= 'Eveness', x= ' ', y= '', tag = "C") + geom_point()P4 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x=site, y=data_shannon)) + geom_boxplot(fill=c("blue","red")) + labs(title= 'Shannon', x= ' ', y= '', tag = "D") + geom_point()# all plots together using the patchwork package(P1 | P2) / (P3 | P4)

Alpha-diversity – Microbiota data analysis (1)


  1. How many OTU are observed in the two different sites?
  2. How do you interpret the difference between Richness and Chao1 plots?
  3. How do you interpret the Evenness and Shannon plots? Discuss intra- and inter-variability: are there big differences between samples belonging to the same treatment and between treatments. Are there big differences between these indices? Could you think how to check this?


  1. For both sites, most of the samples have a richness between 1300 and 1600 OTUs.
  2. The Chao1 has between 1900 and 2400 OTUs. Thus, Chao1 is higher in its richness, which suggests that the sequencing depth was not enough to catch all the diversity present in the harvested environment.
  3. For the Evenness and the Shannon indices, the intra-variability between samples is lower for the samples harvested in Cleron than in Parcey. Evenness and Shannon are a bit lower in Cleron (i.e. around 0.75 and 5.5, respectively) than in Parcey (i.e. around 0.8 and 6.0, respectively) but doesn’t seem to be significantly different. These two indices seems highly correlated. Remember that Shannon takes into account both richness and evenness.

Plot the four alpha-diversity indices for both sites.


Alpha-diversity – Microbiota data analysis (2)

 S.obs S.chao1 data_shannon data_evennessS.obs 1.0000000 0.9434173 0.6752153 0.4452549S.chao1 0.9434173 1.0000000 0.7187563 0.5176397data_shannon 0.6752153 0.7187563 1.0000000 0.9609561data_evenness 0.4452549 0.5176397 0.9609561 1.0000000


Plot the samples according to their harvesting time point. Interpret the new plot as you did before for the sites.


First plot.

P1 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x = month, y = S.obs)) + geom_boxplot(fill = c("black", "gray50", "gray80")) + labs(title= "Richness", x = '', y = '', tag = "A") + geom_point()

Second plot.

P2 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x = month, y = S.chao1)) + geom_boxplot(fill = c("black", "gray50", "gray80")) + labs(title = 'Chao1', x = ' ', y = '', tag = "B") + geom_point()

Third plot

P3 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x = month, y = data_evenness)) + geom_boxplot(fill = c("black", "gray50", "gray80")) + labs(title= 'Eveness', x = ' ', y = '', tag = "C") + geom_point() 

Fourth plot

P4 <- ggplot(data_alphadiv, aes(x = month, y = data_shannon)) + geom_boxplot(fill = c("black", "gray50", "gray80")) + labs(title = 'Shannon', x = ' ', y = '', tag = "D") + geom_point() 

The patchwork library is used here to arrange the plots.

(P1 | P2) / (P3 | P4)

If you have more than one factor, such as in this example, it is better to study the effect of all factors and their interactions. We will now plot the samples according to their harvesting sites and time points at the same time.

Richness plot.

data_alphadiv_tidy %>% filter(alphadiv_index == "S.obs") %>% # fct_relevel() in forecats package to rearrange the sites and months as we want (chronologic)  mutate(month = fct_relevel(month, "July", "August", "September")) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = month, y = obs_values)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = month)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(. ~ site) + labs(y = "Richness", x = "") + # x axis label reoriented for better readability  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) 


Plot the other three alpha-diversity indices and interpret the results.


Chao1 plot.

data_alphadiv_tidy %>% filter(alphadiv_index == "S.chao1") %>% # fct_relevel() in forecats package to rearrange the sites and months as we want (chronologic) mutate(month = fct_relevel(month, "July", "August", "September")) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = month, y = obs_values)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = month)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(. ~ site) + labs(y = "Chao1", x = "") + # x axis label reoriented for better readability theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) 

Evenness plot.

data_alphadiv_tidy %>% filter(alphadiv_index == "data_evenness") %>% # fct_relevel() in forecats package to rearrange the sites and months as we want (chronologic)  mutate(month = fct_relevel(month, "July", "August", "September")) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = month, y = obs_values)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = month)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(. ~ site) + labs(y = "Evenness", x = "") + # x axis label reoriented for better readability  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) 

Shannon plot

data_alphadiv_tidy %>% filter(alphadiv_index == "data_shannon") %>% # fct_relevel() in forecats package to rearrange the sites and months as we want (chronologic)  mutate(month = fct_relevel(month, "July", "August", "September")) %>% ggplot(., aes(x = month, y = obs_values)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = month)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(. ~ site) + labs(y = "Shannon", x = "") + # x axis label reoriented for better readability  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) 


Do you think that there is any significant differences between the alpha-diversity of samples harvested in Cleron and Parcey? Between the three harvesting dates? Between each treatments? How could you test it?

4. Statistical analyses

You can use different statistical tests in order to test if there is any significant differences between treatments: parametric tests (t-test and ANOVA) or non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis). Before using parametric tests, you need to make sure that you can use them (e.g. normal distribution, hom*oscedasticity).

In this tutorial, we will use parametric tests.

We will first test the effect of the sampling site on the Shannon index using one-factor ANOVA test.

summary(aov(data_shannon ~ site, data = data_alphadiv))
 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) site 1 0.4066 0.4066 3.442 0.0821 .Residuals 16 1.8903 0.1181 ---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

We can interpret the results as following:

  • There is no significant effect of the sampling site: Pr(>F) = 0.0821 (P-value > 0.05)


Test the effect of the sampling date on the Shannon index using a one-factor ANOVA test.


aov_test <- aov(data_shannon ~ month, data = data_alphadiv) summary(aov_test)

We can interpret the results as following:

  • There is a significant effect of the sampling date: Pr(>F) = 0.026 (P-value < 0.05)

Now, we know that that there is significant difference between the sampling dates but we don’t know which sampling date is significantly different from the others. Indeed, if we had only two levels (such as for the sites), we could automatically say that date 1 is significantly different from date 2 but we have here three levels (e.g. July, August and September).

In order to know what are the differences among the sampling dates, we can do a post-hoc test (such as Tukey test for the parametric version or Dunn test for the non-parametric version).

We will thus do a Tukey Honest Significant Difference test to test differences among the sampling dates.

# post-hoc testhsd_test <- TukeyHSD(aov_test) # require the agricolae package hsd_res <- HSD.test(aov_test, "month", group=T)$groups hsd_res 
 data_shannon groupsJuly 5.870813 aSeptember 5.710602 abAugust 5.341253 b

We can interpret the results as following:

  • Samples harvested in July are significantly different from the samples harvested in August
  • There is no significant difference between the samples harvested in July and in September
  • There is no significant difference between the samples harvested in August and in September


When we test the effect of the sampling date, the samples from the two sites are pooled together. Looking at the boxplot you did before (including sampling site and date information), you can clearly see that the samples harvested in Cleron in July and in September seems different, such as the samples harvested in Parcey. However, pooling both sites together makes them not different.
In this case, you can suspect a significant effect of sampling date for a defined site, of the sampling site for a define date, and an effect of the interaction between the sampling site and the sampling date. We should test the effects of the sampling site, the sampling date and their interaction in one test, such as a two-way ANOVA.

If you have more than one factor, such as in this example, it is better to study the effect of all factors and their interactions. We will test the effect of the sampling site, the sampling date and their interaction on the Shannon index using two-factor ANOVA tests.

summary(aov(data_shannon ~ site * month, data = data_alphadiv))
 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) site 1 0.4066 0.4066 51.57 1.12e-05 ***month 2 0.8850 0.4425 56.12 8.12e-07 ***site:month 2 0.9107 0.4553 57.74 6.95e-07 ***Residuals 12 0.0946 0.0079 ---Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

We can see now that:

  • There is a significant effect of the sampling site: Pr(>F) = 1.12e-05 (P-value < 0.05)
  • There is a significant effect of the sampling date: Pr(>F) = 8.12e-07 (P-value < 0.05)
  • There is a significant effect of the interaction: Pr(>F) = 6.95e-07 (P-value < 0.05)


The Tukey test can only handle 1 factor, so we cannot study the effect of the sampling site, the sampling time and its interaction using a Tukey test. If you want to put letters on you boxplot to differentiate the different sampling sites and dates, you could use the factor “site_month” but it will consider each treatment as an independent condition, while it is not (because it does recognise the different sites and months).


Determine the letters that you should add to your boxplot showing Shannon for each sampling site and dates.


aov_test <- aov(data_shannon ~ site_month, data = data_alphadiv) hsd_test <- TukeyHSD(aov_test)hsd_res <- HSD.test(aov_test, "site_month", group = TRUE)$groups hsd_res


Test the effect of the harvesting site, the harvesting date and their interactions for the others alpha-diversity indices. Do the post-hoc test when it is necessary and interpret the results.



If you want to do a Kruskal-Wallis and a Dunn test, you can find the R code below.

kruskal.test(data_shannon ~ site, data = data_alphadiv)kruskal.test(data_shannon ~ month, data = data_alphadiv) PT <- dunnTest(data_shannon ~ month, data = data_alphadiv, method="bh") # require the FSA package PT2 <- PT$res cldList(comparison = PT2$Comparison, p.value = PT2$P.adj, threshold = 0.05) # require the rcompanion package 
# Kruskal-WallisKruskal-Wallis rank sum testdata: data_shannon by monthKruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 8.5029, df = 2, p-value = 0.01424# Dunn test Group Letter MonoLetter1 August a a 2 July b b3 September b b

Key Points

Alpha-diversity – Microbiota data analysis (2024)


How do you interpret alpha diversity? ›

Alpha diversity is a term used to describe the "within-sample" diversity. It's a measure of how diverse a single sample is, usually taking into account the number of different species observed. Alpha diversity metrics are also often weighted by the abundances at which the individual microbes are observed.

What is alpha and beta diversity in microbiome analysis? ›

We measure alpha-diversity as the observed richness (number of taxa) or evenness (the relative abundances of those taxa) of an average sample within a habitat type. We quantify beta-diversity as the variability in community composition (the identity of taxa observed) among samples within a habitat [21].

What does alpha diversity measure microbiome? ›

While alpha diversity is a measure of microbiome diversity applicable to a single sample, beta diversity is a measure of the similarity or dissimilarity of two communities. As for alpha diversity, many indices exist, each reflecting different aspects of community heterogeneity.

How do you calculate alpha diversity? ›

The first approach is to calculate a weighted generalized mean of the within-subunit species proportional abundances, and then take the inverse of this mean. The second approach is to calculate the species diversity for each subunit separately, and then take a weighted generalized mean of these.

Is high alpha diversity good? ›

High gut alpha diversity has been linked to a healthy state in so many studies that it has become common knowledge in microbiome circles.

What does high alpha diversity mean? ›

Alpha diversity is a measure of species diversity in a particular area or an ecosystem. Alpha diversity is expressed as the number of species present in the area of concern. Therefore, alpha diversity gives us species richness in that particular ecosystem.

What is Shannon index for alpha diversity? ›

Shannon Index

Shannon's diversity index quantifies the uncertainty in predicting the species identity of an individual that is taken at random from the dataset.

What is an example of alpha diversity? ›

Consider a mountain slope, there will be a variety of woodland and grassland areas on this hillside. Alpha diversity refers to the variety of species found in each forest or grassland area on the slope.

Is alpha diversity same as richness? ›

Alpha diversity, sometimes referred to as point diversity, is the species richness that occurs within a given area within a region that is smaller than the entire distribution of the species.

Which alpha diversity metric should I use? ›

Alpha diversity

Small counts are less reliable than high counts because they can be entirely spurious due to cross-talk and spurious OTUs. Therefore, it is generally better to use metrics which put lower weight on low-frequency OTUs, such as Shannon entropy or Simpson.

How do you test for microbiome diversity? ›

A person who orders a microbiome test online needs to mail a stool sample to the company's lab using the testing kit's prepaid envelope. It may take a few days or weeks to receive the results. These should indicate the types of microbes in the sample and any food sensitivities that the person might have.

How is microbiome diversity measured? ›

The simplest way to do this is by counting the number of different species present in an area. Imagine a children's ball pit. Simply counting the number of colors in the pit would give you a measure of the diversity.

Is alpha diversity normally distributed? ›

alpha diversity metrics ( Figure S2) and the Shapiro-Wilk tests for normality showed that the data were normally distributed. The alpha diversity measures for all samples are presented in Table 2. The mean ratio between observed to expected (Chao1) richness was >0.99 for all samples. ...

How do you calculate alpha value? ›

Find the alpha value before calculating the critical probability using the formula alpha value (α) = 1 - (the confidence level / 100). The confidence level represents the probability of a statistical parameter also being true for the population you measure.

How do you find the alpha of a set of data? ›

To get α subtract your confidence level from 1. For example, if you want to be 95 percent confident that your analysis is correct, the alpha level would be 1 – . 95 = 5 percent, assuming you had a one tailed test. For two-tailed tests, divide the alpha level by 2.

What is lower alpha diversity associated with in the gut? ›

Low microbial alpha-diversity has been associated with a number of diseases including obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, and neurological and psychiatric disorders (35–37).

Is it better to have high or low diversity? ›

The biodiversity of species, or species richness, is often used as a measure of ecological health. High biodiversity, with many species present, is good. It usually means that an ecosystem is healthy and relatively undisturbed by humans. Low biodiversity is characteristic of an unhealthy or degraded environment.

Which is a better index of diversity low or high? ›

A high index value suggests a stable site with many different niches and low competition (high richness and evenness) A low index value suggests a site with few potential niches where only a few species dominate (low richness and evenness)

What is the importance of alpha diversity? ›

1. Definitions and important information. Alpha-diversity represents diversity within an ecosystem or a sample, in other words, what is there and how much is there in term of species. However, it is not easy to define a species and we can calculate alpha-diversity at different taxonomic levels.

What does high diversity of microbes mean? ›

Microbial diversity refers to the number of different species in your gut microbiome and how evenly they are spread out. The key to a healthy, resilient gut is having a high microbial diversity, meaning you have a high number of different species that are evenly spread across your gut microbiome.

What does a high alpha mean in forecasting? ›

A higher alpha indicates the future forecast will more closely resemble recent history, and is more likely to vary greatly with each recalculation.

What is a good Shannon index score? ›

In real-world ecological data, the Shannon diversity index's range of values is usually 1.5 - 3.5.

Is a higher or lower Shannon Index better? ›

This normalizes the Shannon diversity index to a value between 0 and 1. Note that lower values indicate more diversity while higher values indicate less diversity. Specifically, an index value of 1 means that all groups have the same frequency. Some analysts use 1 - E(H) so that higher values indicate higher diversity.

How do you interpret the Shannon index? ›

The higher the value of H, the higher the diversity of species in a particular community. The lower the value of H, the lower the diversity. A value of H = 0 indicates a community that only has one species. The Shannon Equitability Index is a way to measure the evenness of species in a community.

What is alpha diversity in simple words? ›

The mean diversity of a species in different habitats on a small scale is termed alpha diversity. Alpha diversity is represented by showing the number of species in a particular ecosystem which is referred to as species richness.

What is the difference between alpha and gamma diversity? ›

While alpha diversity represents the actual species diversity that can be measured at a given site, gamma diversity more broadly and loosely describes the diversity of species that can be found in the whole area.

Is alpha diversity biodiversity? ›

The biodiversity present within the community is said to be alpha diversity. It is usually expressed by the number of species or species richness of a particular area. Along with beta and gamma diversity, alpha diversity acts as a tool for the measurement of biodiversity.

What is the difference between alpha diversity Chao1 and Shannon? ›

Shannon measures both richness and evenness using a natural logarithm. Chao1 measures richness in a really clever way: Chao1 looks at all the taxa in a sample with counts of 2 or 1 and uses that to estimates the number of taxa that are truly in the sample but were not observed and reported a count of zero.

What is the most accurate way to measure diversity? ›

The most common way is through demographics such as gender, race, age, and ethnicity. Another way to measure diversity in an organization is by the number of languages spoken by employees. To have diversity in the workplace, they need to have people from different backgrounds and experiences working together.

What is a good diversity index? ›

Although it's commonly used to measure biodiversity, it can also be used to gauge diversity differences of populations in schools, communities and other locations. The range is from 0 to 1, where: High scores (close to 1) indicate high diversity. Low scores (close to 0) indicate low diversity.

What are good diversity metrics? ›

Other metrics used to track progress include membership of employee resources groups, participation rates in formal mentoring programs or sponsorship schemes, participation rates in diversity and inclusion training programs, diversity awards, positive press.

How do you analyze microbiome data? ›

In general, microbiome differences are typically evaluated by comparing either (or both) alpha and beta diversity metrics. Alpha diversity metrics quantify within sample diversity and can be compared across groups.

What are the steps for microbiome analysis? ›

The steps include data preprocessing, amplicon sequence variant analysis, taxonomy assignment, data normalization, and diversity analyses.

How do I get microbiome data? ›

Researchers from all countries usually deposit their microbiome data at NCBI SRA (Short Read Archive) database at // Therefore, we will download data from this site.

What is alpha diversity at genus level? ›

Alpha diversity at the genus level (using the Shannon-Weiner index): proportion and patterns of relative abundance of the most abundant genera or those known to be important airway pathogens across the identified exacerbation biologic clusters.

What is the average gut microbiome diversity? ›

Somewhere between 300 and 1000 different species live in the gut, with most estimates at about 500. However, it is probable that 99% of the bacteria come from about 30 or 40 species, with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (phylum firmicutes) being the most common species in healthy adults.

What is alpha diversity and beta diversity in metagenomics? ›

Alpha diversity measures the variability of species within a sample while beta diversity accounts for the differences in composition between samples.

Does alpha diversity have units? ›

Units of measurement

Confusingly, alpha diversity metrics often use different units. Sometimes the meaning is not obvious (entropy!?), and metrics with different units cannot be compared with each other.

Is alpha diversity greater than gamma? ›

While alpha diversity represents the actual species diversity that can be measured at a given site, gamma diversity more broadly and loosely describes the diversity of species that can be found in the whole area.

What does an alpha value of 0.05 mean? ›

A value of \alpha = 0.05 implies that the null hypothesis is rejected 5 % of the time when it is in fact true. The choice of \alpha is somewhat arbitrary, although in practice values of 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01 are common.

What does alpha level of significance at 0.05 mean? ›

The significance level, also denoted as alpha or α, is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. For example, a significance level of 0.05 indicates a 5% risk of concluding that a difference exists when there is no actual difference.

What is a good alpha? ›

A good alpha is in the eye of the beholder. One could argue that any positive alpha is “good” because it indicates an investment outperformed the market. However, an alpha that is very high often comes with greater risks. In investing, the level of potential risks and rewards is highly correlated.

What is alpha in data analysis? ›

Alpha is also known as the level of significance. This represents the probability of obtaining your results due to chance. The smaller this value is, the more “unusual” the results, indicating that the sample is from a different population than it's being compared to, for example.

What is cronbachs alpha analysis? ›

Cronbach's alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of items are as a group. It is considered to be a measure of scale reliability. A “high” value for alpha does not imply that the measure is unidimensional.

Why use cronbachs alpha? ›

In summary, Cronbach's alpha is most valuable for indicating scale reliability in the sense of the equivalence of items within single-construct scales, but the statistic does not offer any indication that scales are actually unidimensional (which should be tested by other means).

What is alpha diversity with examples? ›

Alpha diversity refers to diversity on a local scale, describing the species diversity (richness) within a functional community. For example, alpha diversity describes the observed species diversity within a defined plot or within a defined ecological unit, such as a pond, a field, or a patch of forest.

What is alpha diversity in metagenomics? ›

Alpha diversity measures the variability of species within a sample while beta diversity accounts for the differences in composition between samples.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.