12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (2024)

Bearded Dragons are medium-size reptiles that originally come from Australia. There are various types of bearded dragons, depending on their patterns and colors. These are call morphs or mutations. A morph is base on the looks of a bearded dragon. Each morph of the bearded dragon might have a different pattern, color, spikes, scales and nail color, etc. They come in different colors but usually are light tan to brown with a long, thick tail and a sharp beard-like collar around their neck. They are omnivores, which means they feed on plant materials, insects, small mammals, and other lizards.

If you are planning to buy a bearded one, then you must be aware of different types of dragons. Some bearded dragons might cost more than others. Also, there are morphs that are a combination of several others. Therefore, it is essential to be inform and educate about their various types.

There are nine bearded dragon species, and all of them are found in Australia. The species are namely:

  • Barbata
  • Henrylawsoni;
  • Microlepidota;
  • Minor;
  • Minima;
  • Mitchelli;
  • Nullarbor; and
  • Vitticeps.

The term Pattern is generally use while discussing bearded dragon morphs. A pattern is a design create by the arrangement of the spots on the back of the bearded dragon.

Let us have a look at the different types of bearded dragons.

Scaling Morphs

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (1)


Scaling morphs are standard or general scale bearded dragons. The most common scaling morphs are the Dunner, Leatherback, and Silk back. When bred, if one parent exhibits a morph, half of the offspring will have the same characteristic.

Normal Scale

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (2)


The standard scale bearded dragon has spikes all over its back. These are the original dragons that came from Australia with no mutations. These are the common wild dragons and have large triangular heads, which makes them very distinct.

The standard scale beardie comes in various colors and is the most affordable of the bearded dragon range, often having black and orange markings.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (3)


The leatherback morph is a mutate gene that prevents the scale from growing to full size, which makes it a very popular morph that comes in intense colors, making it stand out from the other bearded dragon in the market.

The smaller scales provide a gentle touch and also increase the coloration of the bearded dragon. This dragon comes in a wide range of colors.

The spikes cover the head and beard run down by the side of the body. The leatherback dragon comes from two mutations, with the most common being a co-dominant mutation, which comes from both parents.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (4)


The Dunner bearded dragon is name after the breeder that create them. The standard back pattern of a bearded dragon is stripes, but the Dunner has its back with spots.

In addition to showing off spots on the back, these beardies also have their scales developing in many directions. The spikes of a beardie point down towards the belly, but with the Dunner they point to the sides.

Also, the Dunner has cone-shape scales, and the dragon can also be of one dominant color. They have more scales on their body than the other bearded dragon morphs.

Silk back

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (5)


Mating two leatherbacks create Silkbacks. These beardies have a smoother appearance with tiny scales. What makes this bearded dragon so exclusive is that they can feel as smooth as silk to the touch and they come in numerous colors. These bearded dragons are often bred for their unique colors.

A common problem with the Silk back is that they have thin skin and are prone to damage. Therefore, these bearded dragons need regular baths and solutions to help them discard their skin. They cannot be kept with other dragons due to their sensitive skin.

Visual Morphs

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (6)


Visual morphs come with recessive characteristics, which means the features are from both parents. Visual morphs are selective breeding, producing bearded dragons having traits that are appealing to owners.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (7)

source: pinterest.com

The Trans morph is the translucent morph, another of the recessive mutations. These bearded dragons have black eyes, making them unique and easy to identify. The hatchlings have blue underbelly and black eyes. As the bearded dragon ages, the blue color often disappears, though some bearded dragons retain the color throughout their lives.



The Hypo morph is the Hypomelanistic, which means it has less melanin. Hypo bearded dragons are create when two bearded dragons with translucent traits are bred. The skin is a lighter color with reduce dark colorations. The melanin in the scales gives the color a more vibrant look.

The hypo trait is a recessive mutation that causes less melanin. Melanin is found in all animals and is what gives them their pigmentation. Often the hypo beardie has bright nails and no brown stripe down their backs.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (9)

source: pinterest.com

The zero morph is one of three mutations where they have no pattern on their bodies. Most bearded dragons have a stripe down their backs, but the Zero has one solid color, making it very attractive.

It is a recessive and one of the most recent mutations introduce. It is a magnificent beard dragon that has colors ranging from a silver color to off white. They are also known to have dark silver or grey color with a very prominent appearance.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (10)

source: pinterest.com

The Witblits is a recessive mutation, which was discovered by a South African breeder. Witblits translates into “White Lightening” even though these beardies are not as white as the Zero. The Zero beardie was introduced after Witblits that has no pattern and earthy tones. Most of these dragons are sandy in color to a light orange.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (11)

source: 7thgalaxydragons.com

Wero beardies are a combination of Zero and Witblits dragons and are very rare even today. They resemble Zeros but with small color patterns that appear on the back and the tail. They are a new morph and are gaining popularity for their unique and charming appearance.


12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (12)

source: pinterest.com

The Paradox beardies are the most beautiful and also the rarest of all types of dragons. They are in high demand due to their patches of color which can appear anywhere on the body. The easiest way to describe these bearded dragons is that they look as if they have had paint sprinkle on them. These beardies can be any color, and when hatch you may not even know they are Paradox, as the color only develops after a few months.

Bearded Dragon Colors

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Colour variations are influence by a variable group of genes, rather than a simple set of dominant or recessive genes. Some of the colors you can expect in a bearded dragon include red, yellow, or standard brow as bellow.

Red Bearded Dragons

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (14)

source: pinterest.com

Red includes blood red and ruby red resulting from mating two bearded dragons with a high amount of red. With each generation of offspring, the red coloring becomes more profound and more prominent, until the result is an extremely deep red color dragon.

Also Read:Interesting Facts About Baby Bearded Dragon

Yellow Bearded Dragons

source: pinterest.com

Yellow also describe as citrus, sand fire, lemon and gold are bred by mating two bearded dragons with a high amount of yellow. Some beardies have a mixture of red and yellow which can be describe as orange, tangerine, and sunburst.

White Bearded Dragons

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (16)


White-bearded dragons are rare and bred by mating beardies that are whiter or paler in coloring to produce new generations of predominantly white dragons.

Selecting your Bearded Dragon

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (17)


While all bearded dragon morphs in the US are bred in captive, Australia has strict laws against the exportation of its wildlife. It is ideal because wild-caught animals often fail to survive in captivity. Bearded dragons are readily available with repute breeders or rescue organizations. The cost of young dragons is around $50 while adults can cost about $100.

When buying a bearded dragon, look for the one that is active with healthy skin. Some things to be aware of include discharge around the eyes, mouth or nose, swollen joints, discolor skin, and runny droppings. for more information, visit Petsnurturing.

12 Types Of Bearded Dragons Morphs | Pets Nurturing (2024)


What is the rarest morph bearded dragon? ›

One such morph is known as a Paradox bearded dragon. It's one of the rarest morphs in the bearded dragon world, and there's a lot of confusion as to what exactly a Paradox dragon is. These dragons have unique markings without a discernable pattern.

What is the rarest bearded dragon color? ›

Some beardies naturally have more pigment in their skin and are darker in appearance. However, completely black bearded dragons are almost unheard of. This species can appear black because of their environment or aggression.

What is the most popular bearded dragon morph? ›

Classic or Standard Morph

They can come in a variety of different colors, such as tan, red, yellow, and have black and orange markings. These are the most commonly seen morph of bearded dragons and usually the least expensive morph to purchase.

Which bearded dragon makes the best pet? ›

Bearded dragons are popular, well-known lizards, currently considered one of the best pet lizards. There are eight species of bearded dragons, but the most popular one is the inland or central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) from the arid to semi-arid southeastern parts of Australia.

What is a paradox bearded dragon? ›

Paradox bearded dragons have patches of color that appear to occur randomly anywhere on the body, with no pattern or symmetry to them. They often look as if paint splattered on them, leaving patches of color wherever the paint happened to land.

What was the oldest bearded dragon? ›

The oldest recorded bearded dragon was Sebastian who died at 18 years and 237 days old! Diet, enclosure, sex, size, species and breeding can all impact the lifespan of a Bearded Dragon. Bearded dragons in the wild tend to have a shorter lifespan than those kept as pets.

What is the most colorful bearded dragon? ›

Citrus Bearded Dragon

The citrus morph is one of the most popular and recognizable bearded dragon colors. Their bright color and affordable price tag makes them an extremely popular morph for first-time owners. This type is set apart by its strong yellow colors and sandy pattern.

What was the biggest bearded dragon? ›

German bearded dragons aren't a species of bearded dragon, but rather a type of bearded dragon that was bred to be larger and can reach 26-28 inches, making them the largest bearded dragons in the world.

Do bearded dragons fight to the death? ›

3) Your dragons will essentially fight to the death, either as soon as they are introduced, or over a long period of time. This is most often the case with two males being housed together, but females can be equally as aggressive in some cases, especially when stressed.

Do Beardies like watching TV? ›

Bearded Dragons, or “Beardies” as some like to call them, aren't lazy pets. It's just that they are known to enjoy cuddling up with their owners while they watch TV.

What's a bearded dragons favorite color? ›

Despite bearded dragon's biological instincts, many bearded dragon owners have different experiences of their pet's preference to colors. Some love certain bright colors such as red but get very stressed out over others like yellow or orange.

Why is my bearded dragon turning red? ›

Overall body color changes and beard color changes may occur slowly as your bearded dragon grows, but if a sudden or temporary color change is noted, it could be due to stress, illness, or an emotion. Beardies will often darken or turn black if threatened or upset.

How much is a paradox bearded dragon? ›

Paradox Morph

The most expensive bearded dragons are the zero and paradox morphs. These two morphs are incredibly rare and sell for between $800 and $1,200. Perhaps the most striking is the paradox morph.

Are bearded dragons asexual? ›

Bearded Dragons Lay Infertile Eggs in the Absence of a Mate

After mating with a male. After storing sperm from a past mating session with a male. Without ever mating with a male.

Why you should not get a bearded dragon? ›

Without proper care, bearded dragon “pets” who outlive the one-year curse often suffer from serious and painful health problems, including metabolic bone disease from calcium deficiency, mouth rot, respiratory disease, abscesses, and ulcers.

Do bearded dragons get lonely? ›

Since bearded dragons are naturally solitary creatures, they do not get lonely if placed alone in a cage or left for some time away from their keeper. They much prefer having their food and heat to themselves rather than sharing it with another bearded dragon.

What is a thunderbolt bearded dragon? ›

Generally they will run from the neck to the tail. If they aren't clear racing stripes, they are likely just color stripes which are still pretty but not genetic. ​ Thunderbolt- This is just a trans genetic stripe dragon! They look very cool and are becoming more and more popular recently!

What is a premium bearded dragon? ›

A fancy bearded dragon is a type of bearded dragon that has various variations from the bearded dragon. For instance, a fancy bearded dragon has less scaling and smoother skin and has a color variation which tends to lean more to the red color. Their availability is, however, seasonal.

What is a blue bar bearded dragon? ›

The blue bar bearded dragon is a relatively new color morph that has become popular among reptile enthusiasts. As their name suggests, blue bar bearded dragons have blue bars running down their sides. These blue bars are usually most prominent on juveniles and fade as the lizard matures.

Do bearded dragons have a 3rd eye? ›

As weird as it may sound, bearded dragons have a third eye that is located at the top of their head. Even though it functions very differently from the other two eyes, it still serves an important function in the bearded dragon's survival and life.

At what age can you tell the gender of a bearded dragon? ›

If you are still unable to sex a bearded dragon at three months old, or want to be absolutely sure, you can wait until they reach 12 months old (i.e. adulthood). A male's hemipenal bulges, enlarged femoral pores, bigger heads, thicker tails and darker beards are easier to spot at 12 months.

Can bearded dragon eat pinkies? ›

You can actually feed your bearded dragon mice pinkies on a regular basis. Any larger sizes of mice will begin to contain to much fat content for your them.

How much are purple bearded dragons? ›

A standard Beardie will cost $40 from a pet store. A rare morph like the Zero will cost $900 from a private breeder. Buying a Bearded Dragon is not your only task.
How Much Do Bearded Dragons Cost?
Hypomelanistic Morph (e.g. Pastel)$100 – $900
Translucent Morph (e.g. Blue, Green, Purple or Polar)$200 – $450
8 more rows
May 7, 2022

What time of day should I feed my bearded dragon? ›

As soon as you get your bearded dragon, no matter their age, their first feeding of the day must always be 2 hours after their lights first are turned on. Similarly, their last feeding needs to come at least two hours before the lights are turned off for the day.

How often should you hold a bearded dragon? ›

Bearded dragons usually tolerate handling better than other lizards. Regular handling helps bearded dragons get used to people, so you should handle your beardie daily. Doing so also minimizes stress during regular care, such as bathing or tank cleaning. They are generally gentle and easy to hold.

Are bearded dragons smart? ›

Anyone who owns a bearded dragon knows that they are fairly smart reptiles. But did you know that they are smarter than you may have previously thought?

Is it OK to put 2 bearded dragons together? ›

Territorial Creatures

Never keep a pair of two male bearded dragons in the same enclosure. A pair of two females might work, however. A male and a female together might work, too, but it's important to be aware of the likely possibility of reproduction.

What does a bearded dragon look like when it's dead? ›

However, the biggest sign that your bearded dragon has died (rather than in brumation) include the following: They have turned white, they has no reaction when you flip them over, and their body is cold and stiff to the touch.

How do you read a bearded dragons body language? ›

Bearded Dragon Body Language - YouTube

How do I get rid of my bearded dragon? ›

My Bearded Dragon died, what do I do?
  1. Letting go of the body. Cremation or burial are both valid options. Cremations can be arranged through your vet or directly with a pet cremation service. ...
  2. Cleaning up and packing away your bearded dragons house and accessories.
  3. Consider if and how you would like to pay tribute.

How often should you take your bearded dragon out of its cage? ›

You can play and handle your adult bearded dragons for at least one (1) hour per day. You can extend it up to an hour and a half if you feel like they want to play more. Doing so will allow your beardie to be more comfortable with you. They'll also feel safer and more relaxed when you're around.

Do bearded dragons like blankets? ›

Bearded dragons love using blankets, but they don't get much from wrapping in bedding alone. Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures, meaning they cannot generate heat. Covering your bearded dragon with a blanket for too long can actually make it colder rather than warmer.

What do bearded dragons do all day? ›

Bearded dragons are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night. They are omnivores and consume large amounts of insects, plants, fruits and flowers.

What colors can bearded dragons not see? ›

Are Bearded Dragons Color Blind? Many people think that the bearded dragon is colorblind. The truth of the matter is, bearded dragons are not colorblind. These creatures have good vision in both eyes and can see more colors than humans.

What can a bearded dragon see? ›

They can also see further into the spectrum of color than humans; humans use three cones for seeing color while beardies use four, which increases the number of colors that make up their vision.

Does my bearded dragon recognize me? ›

Beardies recognize and respond to their owners' voices and touch and are usually even-tempered. They can be great pets for someone who wants a reptile who likes to be held and taken out of his cage.

Why do bearded dragons close their eyes when you pet them? ›

As we quickly went over above, when a beardie closes its eyes while being petted, the behavior isn't actually a sign of trust and content. They are showing that they feel they can't escape the situation, and the only thing they can do is close their eyes.

Why is my bearded dragon burying himself? ›

Bearded dragons bury themselves to hide or cool off. They may also be doing this as a result of brumation.

Why do bearded dragons flatten out? ›

When a beardie thinks he's in danger, he will instinctively flatten out his stomach and display it. This posture makes him appear larger and stronger than he actually is. Stomach flattening is done in order to avoid conflict rather than to invite it.

Can you make money breeding bearded dragons? ›

Be prepared to find out that breeders across the globe all say one thing the same: there is little, if any money in breeding bearded dragons unless you have rare colour morphs. And the people who do make money from this are doing it on a massive scale, selling to pet shops.

Why did my bearded dragon throw up water? ›

Just like with people, your bearded dragon can actually throw up due to dehydration. If you don't bathe your bearded dragon, provide them a water dish, mist them, or drip water on their snout for them to lick off… it's entirely likely that they are in fact dehydrated!

Is a female bearded dragon better than a male? ›

Before you attempt to sex your bearded dragon based solely on their behavior, know that both males and females largely behave in the same ways. However, some behaviors are more often seen in males, while others are common for female bearded dragons. Male beardies are more dominant and often show territorial aggression.

What bearded dragon should I get? ›

The best option is to buy a baby, juvenile or even an adult bearded dragon. Babies should be at least 6 weeks old, or 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) long. Don't buy a bearded dragon that is smaller than this. Juvenile bearded dragons are 5 months old and over, and adults – 18 months and over.

Are fancy bearded dragons friendly? ›

Fancy bearded dragons are no different from common species in terms of their behavior. They are naturally friendly and easy to tame.

How do I choose a bearded dragon? ›

How to Pick a Bearded Dragon at the Pet Store
  1. Choose an Alert Pet. Bearded dragons are active during the day. ...
  2. Check the Mouth. A healthy bearded dragon will have a pink mouth and tongue. ...
  3. Find an Interactive Dragon. A healthy dragon will also be interactive. ...
  4. Look for Signs of Illness.

Can bearded dragons change gender? ›

This is attributed to a warming planet. The bearded dragon, the most popular reptile kept as a pet, has the capability to change sex via two different sets of genes, either via sex chromosomes or via hot temperature, according to a study in the PLOS One journal.

What is the best age to get a bearded dragon? ›

If you are a first-time owner, it is best to get an older dragon of around six months or older because they are more resilient at this age.

Do female bearded dragons have periods? ›

Female Bearded dragons don't have periods. However, they ovulate several times a year when their hormone levels are high. They may also lay eggs regardless of whether they have mated with a male or not.

Why you shouldn't get a bearded dragon? ›

Without proper care, bearded dragon “pets” who outlive the one-year curse often suffer from serious and painful health problems, including metabolic bone disease from calcium deficiency, mouth rot, respiratory disease, abscesses, and ulcers.

How many bearded dragons should I get? ›

Never put more than one male in a tank. A female should not be housed with males until she is about two years old (old enough to breed), and make sure she is healthy and in good condition. Younger, smaller, or unhealthy dragons are likely to run into problems including egg binding.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.